Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Whatsamatta Kid?

You afraid of a little "free speech"?

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

How is it possible that America with all it has ben and al it has become can still produce people of wealth and those sorely without wealth. But, are so driven by teehees peoples desperate need to have every minute of attention from the American people.?

They all tell us they are one with GOD and how they have personally held deeply, religious beliefs they never share with anyone.

But they are so damn squeaky in need of all the freeze. It doesn't matter if it is good or sorely pathetic in nature.

If they Po-Poo their pants as an adult . They will want the publicity from the publican for it.

If caught on camera picking their nose and eating it, they will bathe in the criticism.

They will take their Gun and create a mass school shooting to end it all for the comforting delusion Americans will hear allyl about it.

It does tell me, screams out loud at me. That these folks could never live their own lives. They require the exclusive tight to intrude on everyone else.

I say interview them all for the first space shoot to inhabit Mars.

If we have to make the space craft the size of Texas to fit them all in. I say lets do so for science.
We can even have them sign a compact like the mayflower passengers. To agree not to murder each other on the way to Mars.
If they needed to, they can podcast from the ship and send it back to earth. Yeah, it will take time for it to reach us and it will be more of our choice to pay attention to it.
Space Force Mission accomplished.

Ian said...

I'd prefer it if Pennywise was the main character of the story everyday.

Robt said...

Are we that far off before one of these attention needy billionaire oligarchs don a Trench coat with nothing on underneath.

Run around in public flashing open their coat to expose themselves for attention and publicity?

What if Elon bought a massage parlor chain. Would he operate and run it hands on like he does Twitter?

Maybe if he bought a McDonalds franchise. He could receive all the attention from customers he wants by simply getting their orders wrong all the time and think of it, He could seek all the attention and collards by working the intercom system to ask if they would like a hot apple turnover with that order.
I mean if he wanted to disrupt a lot of people's everyday life. He could easily use his billions to buy up al the toilet paper he can and cause a shortage. It would have the same impact of his applying his super brilliance at the Twitter.
When you are born with "it" as Trump says he was. Those great Genes of superiority and all. You cannot do no wrong.
It is why we went through all the trouble of corrupting our legal/Justice system so the masters of the Universes do not have to be bothered and distracted by laws the rest of us must obey and live by.

Robt said...

Is it live or is it Memorex (edition)

Have you ever noticed how most of these republicans have began to sound so much alike.?

Kevin McCarthy sounds just like Laura Ingraham.

Jim Jordan and Alex Jones?

Without video and only sound, Kellyane Conway and Dana Perino could pass for Sen. Josh Hawley.

By voice only, Sen Lindsey Graham Jennine Piro and Sen Marsha Blackburn bur together.

Elmer Stuart Rhodes and Tom Cotton?

Donald or Ron De Santis

Sen Josh Hawley, Elmer Fudd, Jesse Waters or Putin?

Bellevue escapee and Sen. Ron paul?

Lauren Bobert, Marge Green and Sabastian Gorka

Seriously, I am telling you it has gotten tough to tell them apart.
I could take printed quotes and put them in each others mths and you would have a tough time assuring yourself who's words came out of whose moths originally.