Spoiler: He swears Both Sides are to blame
Once in a great long while the stink from the filthiest lie in politics -- the Both Sides Do It lie -- overwhelms the filters of even the most dedicated Sunday Show Beltway hack. And in than brief moment, it is possible for something resembling to truth squeak through.
However, this headline from Raw Story is just wrong:
ABC host calls out Chris Christie for blaming mass shootings on 'both sides'.
George Stephanopoulos' did not summon anything resembling the testicular fortitude necessary to actually "call out" Christie.
Instead, after Christie bragging about New Jersey laws already being tough enough on guns, Stephanopoulos by very gingerly touched on the current state of Christie's Republican party:
Stephanopoulos: It does appear that there's been a hardening in the Republican Party around this issue.
Then, out of Christie's Lie Hole came the voice of two decades of David Fucking Brooks. The inevitable all-occassion, Beltway-media-authorized get-out-of-accountability-free excuse for every Republican atrocity:
Christie: Well, I think there's been a hardening on both sides. I think it's just a constant symptom of where we are in the country right now. This is one issue that that's an example of but there are many others where people in each party have decided that there's no compromise here because there's no one on the other side willing to compromise and they say that about each other and point fingers both ways.
And this is sum total of all the courage that Stephanopoulos could muster.
Stephanopoulos: Is this really a 'both sides' issue though?
1 comment:
There are a lot of 2nd Amendment gun "enthusiasts" of the republican persuasion on the fascist side of the aisle.
That will quote you, "I believe in the right to bear arms to defend myself from a tyrannical overearnest.
Even though they are that government that is tyrannical.
There radical base will eventually see this.
It is obvious they are tyrannical by the way they Tell us, they shout at us, they condemn us, they dismiss us, call us names like liberals or soft on crime.
But do they listen to the people that elect them. That they represent. Paid by the people.
Do they listen? Do they really give consideration?
If they do not, they aren't representing and some could say they are tyrannical and we all know what the 2nd Amendment say about a tyrannical government in the 2nd Amendment. Because the republican s have only ever recited only those words besides the ?bear arms not infringed.
I say republicans are the tyrannical government and we should run campaign ads to the GOP base.
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