Sunday, August 08, 2021

Exit, Pursued by a Barefaced Lie

Of course this lowlife is vaccinated. Just like everyone on Fox News and every Republican elected official who damn well knows better.  But he can't say he's been vaccinated because like Fox News every other Republican who damn well knows better, Grothman is stranded between his party's strategy of amplifying a deadly pandemic in order to Own The Libs and his personal desire not to die or infect his immediate family.

This warped cognitive state reminds me in a warped way of this quote from George S. Patton.

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

Fox News and every Republican elected official who damn well knows better have no intention of dying for the greater glory of Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party.

But they 100% cool with backing an electoral strategy that involves letting hundreds or thousand or hundreds of thousands of poor dumb Republican base voting bastards die for their cause.  

No Half Measures


One Fly said...

The way it is and it truly sucks.

Dave McCarthy said...

He's a fucking congressman. Isn't his job "taking sides" on whatever vote comes up?

Frank said...

When you put it like that it sounds like a big win for us. The more Republicans who die the better.

Robt said...

As Sen FLA. Rick Scott stated, "I wish vaccines were not politicized".

But in his GOP senate caucus, they'll took the QANON pledge to raise the elevation level of Bull shit Mountain.

The GOP handlers are telling them to behave this way. For some political strategy only a Rudy and Pillow dude could know.

The are bent on corralling all the Q-arens votes to win the midterms.

If they survive.

Meremark said...

Exit pursued by a barefaced lie

OMG, dg, did you do this???

And also why do blog rolls omit , daily, where Art is a science?

pagan in repose said...

"I might have gotten a shot and maybe I didn't, well, I'm not going to tell you, soo there pooty pants!"

I paraphrase RepGothman, but it is close enough.

Just like children for christ's sake. You are suppose to be congressman of the United States of America, RepGothman. Someone who is suppose to be able to make adult decisions, life and death decisions about our country. Also I might note, we pay your salary.

Last but not least RepGothman, we are continuing to be plagued by a Pandemic you schmuck, and you want to play "I'm not going to tell you, nah, nah." The children are now dying in the thousands, and it is just starting to spread like wildfire. Do you have a clue, doesn't it smell enough from the deaths already, do you really want the smell of dead children on you. Because that is what you are beginning to smell like, you schmuck.

So endeth the rant.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anti-vax is a strategy for the republicans. I think it is a runaway train of willful ignorammity they have fostered for decades. Even though it may not further other core values like their far-white fascism.