Thursday, February 25, 2021

America's Sad Clown of Centrism is Sad

But really Ron, aren't Both Sides to blame here?

Or. more accurately, isn't this exactly the sort of situation for which your pathetic "Both Sides Do It" doctrine was invented?

Remember When I Told You To Burn The Lifeboats?


bt1138 said...

If only the liberal commie hippies hadn't forced them into doing all of this.

Right? Who needs both sides? It's totally our fault again.


Don't let this happen again, or I'll have to really hurt you next time.

Now bring me my slippers.

Unknown said...

Honestly, I love you and agree with you 99.9% of the time, but on this occasion and many others since January 6th Ron has been down on Republicans. Matthew Dowd has been downright brutal against them and he lost that cushy ABC job because of it. So, even if their BSDI mantra helped usher in our public hell we are experiencing now, they do seem to be trying to play clean up.