Sunday, January 31, 2021

Driftglass' Rules for Republicans #72: The Fury and Hysteria of Republican Denialism...

...will always be in direct proportion to the size and malevolence of their latest atrocity. which is why this PhotoShop I did back in October of 2009 will always be topical.

But I dredged it out of my archives from the forbidden Before Time for another reason altogether.  To illustrate that long before Donald Trump descended the Escalator of Doom into the waiting arms of the GOP,  ghouls like Respected MSNBC Contributor and Leader of the Resistance, Bill Kristol, damn well knew what trajectory their Republican Party was, but were perfectly sanguine about it because as long as the crazies stayed in the traces, his Republican Party would go right on winning elections.

From me in 2009:

Nobody Left But The Crazies

File Under Gresham's Corollary: "Bad crazy drives out everybody."
From MediaMatters:
Kristol: GOP's future "center of gravity" lies with Beck, Limbaugh
October 27, 2009 8:05 am ET by Media Matters staff
From William Kristol's October 27 Washington Post column:
Obviously, many Republicans and conservatives -- and lots of moderates and independents -- will be grateful to Mitch McConnell if he can stop ObamaCare, and to Jon Kyl if he can induce the president to embrace a stronger foreign policy. But it's unlikely that the minority party in Congress will be the source of bold new conservative leadership over the next three years. Even if Republicans pick up the House in 2010, the party's big ideas and themes for the 2012 presidential race will probably not emanate from Capitol Hill.
The center of gravity, I suspect, will instead lie with individuals such as Palin and Huckabee and Gingrich, media personalities like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and activists at town halls and tea parties. Some will lament this -- but over the past year, as those voices have dominated, conservatism has done pretty well in the body politic, and Republicans have narrowed the gap with Democrats in test ballots.
Kristol began working out years ago what the last, few fusspot remnants of the Old GOP seem to only now be dimly perceiving: that there is absolutely nothing left inside the Party of Lincoln but crazy, and if you want to hang onto those sweet-sweet “Conservative pundit” paydays, you’d better cozy up to the rabid Cheney Regime Dead-Enders most ricky-tick
Of course this will remain an ongoing, toxic disaster for the country until the cultural backwash that is the Party of God is universally repudiated, stamped with a fluorescent HazMat symbol big enough to be visible from orbit, and buried under a mile of electoral concrete (I have said elsewhere and only half in jest that President Obama's biggest job will turn out to be saving the GOP from itself.) 
But as a freelance ontologist (“Will Visualization Information For Food’), I appreciate the 30 years of dedicated effort it took for Hate Radio charlatans, Christopathic multimedia colporteurs, FoxNews harlequins and all of their various elected finger puppets to gather together the nation’s bigots, yahoos and moral imbeciles under one political roof. 
So way to go Rush! UR doin’ it rite!

In other words, The Left was right about the Right all along.

And neither our new Never Trump supervisors nor the mainstream media which has been hiring them by the job lot is ever going to forgive us for it.

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Doing some math

Right wing extremists funded by very wealthy (to control government and protect their wealth and power)
Cartoon Nerwork
Science Fiction Network
The disguise of naming yourself a "News" Network
The teaching of Mein Kompf
+ The assorted people willing to do and say anything for money, those vulnerable to the propaganda of hate and the euphoria's of being a superior race.

The encompassing life and freedom wallowing into the bellie of the slavery /tyranny beasts stomach .
Which is that I witness of the republican party.

Lawrence said...

Good to know you are an ontologist, Dr. Glass. I'm having trouble telling what the fuck is real anymore. I just need a referral from my PCP and you can treat me.