Friday, October 16, 2020

What They're Saying Behind Your Back

You might remember teevee's Tom Nichols from such previous hits as "You fuckers will get no repentance from me, because your party had a hand in this too!" and  "I never knew the Republican Party was full of Republicans because I lived in Massachusetts".

Well earlier this week (or maybe it was in 1987 now that linear time has left the building), ol' Tom dropped in on his fellow teevee Conservative, Charlie Sykes for some good, clean, Never Trump antics.  They laughed and joked and rolled their eyes and called Trump various names, which is all jolly good fun.

Then, while Charlie Sykes chuckled along, Tom Nichols began doing that thing he does where suddenly his Republican Party completely disappears and all of the sins and crimes of his party are laid at the feet of a group called "Americans".

Nichols:  But there is a there is a serious point underneath all of this which is that all that...that discussion that Americans are tired of corruption, Americans are tired of the elites, Americans are tired of the inside deals, uh, Americans are tired of what goes on in the rooms they don't know about that turns out to be nonsense.  Americans have an incredibly high tolerance for corruption.

On some level Tom I'm sure knows this is a lie: after all, Democrats twice elected the virtually scandal-and-corruption-free Barack Obama.  And Ol' Tom's party, the Republican, reacted with eight years of unhinged racist hysteria and then elected the King of the Birthers.  Who, to no one's surprise who bothered paying any attention to anything, also turned out to be the most openly corrupt man in history ever to occupy the White House.

But Tom blows by these inconvenient facts by by invoking one of every smarmy Both Siderist's favorite magic words: "tribes".

Nichols What this really says is what...what...what...Americans have become...are tribes who only object to corruption when it's not their guy doing it.  And that, I think, says something terrible about moral rot about the collapse of our civic virtue.  The collapse of our commitment to a culture of Constitutionalism and the rule of law that we only seem to object...we...the public only seems to object when the corruption seems to be falling on people who are out of favor with us at that moment. 

And finishes up with a drive-by, Both Siderist shot at Hillary Clinton

Nichols And so you know, I mean to me, [2016] was the swampiest election ever.  That you were gonna have this, you know, you had these two corrupt New York oligarchic families, um, you know, this, I mean that was like a Russian election, uh, rather than an American election.

Just thought you might like to know what your allies are saying when they're keeping company with each other and figure no Libtard they'll ever have to face when they're on MSNBC is listening.

Finally and somewhat relatedly I'm not sure ol' Tom really wants to open the "I told you so door" --

--because there is a whole lot of pain waiting behind it for him.

No Half Measures


Robt said...

Tribes ?
When America was discovered by different tribes from Europeans
countries and different tribes of people. Coming to the new land to settle. They discovered, as well, there were existing tribes that lived in the "newly Discovered land".

But republicans are more "Give - mMe - Tarians". Because giving them everything from everyone else is not socialism. Permanent GOP government control must be achieved for plantation owner tribes to own the labor tribes.

Suggestive Topic for Nichols. The tribe of the 5 conservative SCOTUS Justices. Why that tribe can rule when the Tribal Chief cannot or the Tribal legislative branch cannot.

Why Tribes must own others? Because before America was discovered . There were native American tribes that out grew a need to own the other tribes.

As the Tick-Tock of history continued. We discovered colonial tribes united against the English Tribe. The Northern aggression Tribe decided to Defend against the righteous Sothern Tribe.

One could list the Republican tribes. John Birch Society, Reagan lunchbox'ers, Tea Pots, QANON, religious Zealots
, DittoHeads and now MAGAts and Russians.

For sanity's sake, Does he realize the US Constitution not only has laws for the native American tribes but the individual rights of individual people and their tribes they wallow.

Maura said...

If I've learned one thing from reading and hearing what WOC have to say, it's never trust your allies (or "allies"). They will always disappoint you.

Lit3Bolt said...

Tom Nichols reacts to any hint of responsibility, citizenship, self-reflection, self-awareness, or empathy the same as any ol' Republican: with bristling, defensive hostility that he might need to change, that he might be part of the problem, or that he might need to grow and acknowledge he was wrong. He gets into screaming matches with people half his age on Twitter, demanding and demeaning millennials for their "life choices" and belches platitudes such as "choices have consequences."

So, the expert on an extinct system of kulaks and mutually assured destruction has secured himself a new gig, as a mildly intelligent Northeastern Republican who had the massive courage to tell the rest of his shit-rubbing-in-hair tribe mates that killing the goose that lays golden eggs might be a bad idea. That it might be a bad idea to drink plague-infested sewage, or inject bleach into their eyeballs, or point loaded guns at their dicks and empty the clip.

And thus, a new haploid political minotaur is born, and the priests and town criers are delighted, because if what the beast tells them is true, that it's in reality Both Sides That Do It...y'know, Mommy is at fault too, because she LETS Daddy hit her...then that means Nobody Is To Blame. Choices Have No Consequences for The Club. It's just a string of Billy Pilgrim style timescape interludes, floating on a sea of ennui. The minotaur is released into the media maze, ready to be booked and recite the psalms and bromides that rise and fall every two years in America, such as The Feast of the Rumor Mill, The Epiphany of Winning the Morning, the Dance of the Shadow Campaign, all leading up to the Maundy Monday of Election Eve. Then on Election Day, when millions are trying to find time after working their shift and buying groceries to stand in line for eight hours into the night to actually be good citizens and vote, the minotaur bemoans the ineptitude and lassitude and attitudes of perfectly reasonable people who simply do not want to put up with that shit. He then wisely blames them for the leaders that they have "chosen."

Because of course, for everyone else, Choices have Consequences.