Monday, September 07, 2020

What McJoan Said

It's familiar material --
Beware Republicans bearing gifts

Joan McCarter for Daily Kos

The cadre of never-Trumper Republicans just keeps growing. There's the Lincoln Project. There's Republican Voters Against Trump. There's Right Side PAC. There's 43 Alumni for Biden Super PAC. What do they have in common? They all helped build the Republican Party that chose Donald Trump. They all sat back—and even participated!—in the systematic push in the Republican Party toward white supremacy, toward authoritarianism, toward fascism. They also all have a vested interest in trying to make the nation forget that they're responsible for this monster. We can't let them...
-- but it feels nice every  now and then to find out that you're not entirely alone when you're hollering down yet another rain barrel.

Read the rest here.


Now Am Found! said...

damn straight! i think someone they were not good enough grifters to keep up with the likes of the orange ferret wearing treason weasel and resent it

Unknown said...

Every word she says is true.

But what her closer is missing:
"What needs to happen is that this iteration of the Republican Party—including all those never-Trumpers who were happy to throw fuel on the fires of racism, of fascism for the past 40 years—this GOP needs to be destroyed. It needs to be defeated at the ballot box and ground into dust. Burned. The ground over it salted." the WHY it needs to be destroyed.

Because it will come back. THEY will come back. Still on the other side. Just as they've been all along.

The Republican party has proven itself to be the party of the living dead. They are like zombies, or those Terminator things that mercury-morph/shape-shift into new (same) evil, into new (same) enemies.

They are not our friends. They are not even our convenient allies. They are our enemies. Plain and simple. They are coming for us next. As soon as Biden and Harris win, their niceties will cease and they will immediately become obstructive and greedy and oh-so-politely dog-whistley racist and anti-progressive and...all the things they still are now. But without their phony contrition of Lincoln Project fundraising and ad-airing.

We've seen it before. Repeatedly. Lucy, football, Charlie Brown, repeat. That analogy has been used many times many elsewheres and it's beyond apt at this point. The precedents make the forecast pretty easy.

When Ms. McCarter writes this: "And now they want rehabilitation. Now they want to be accepted back into polite company. Worse, now they want to make sure they stay relevant, that they can continue to get their consultants contracts and make their money and stay on the cocktail circuit in Washington, D.C."
And follows it with this: "We can't help them. If they want to spend their own money on this, fine, but our money, our support, needs to go directly to Democrats."'s important to remember WHY.

They are Republicans after all. They will be gunning for us next.

Christopher Cilley said...

Did you see this "Tooning Out the News" piece with Rick Wilson? My partner and I were "OMG" and "Whoa" watching it and Rick's expression at the end is *priceless*.

Robt said...

Why do you leave out the religious bigot VP?

That bears false witness. Holds another idol above his own God. Who will participate in harming others for personal gain?
How does the religious right support McConnell?