Friday, August 21, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #560

 "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare.
-- Mark Twain, writer

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Hal Rager said...

I'm confident #45 will pardon Bannon, it just feels really good to have him charged…

Robt said...

Moral courage:
Sign an open Tom Cotton letter to Iran to undermine a president's lengthy pressure to bring Iran to a table to make treaty and smok-um Nuclear peace Pipe.
To refuse to allow a president's SCOTUS nomination to even be heard or voted on when yur entire past was up or down vote for the same thing?

Politcal fortitude:
When it comes to voting on whitnesses to allow Americans their right to hear the witnesses in an impeachment trial of the senate. They vote NO.

When it comes to their long time angering abuses of powers by a president with Executive Orders. Well it is OJ now because they say they agree with the intent of them and bypassing legislation for their president. Might not be constitutional but it is bearing false witness to achieve their false idols goals.

What is important is, QANON I hear likes Trump..

dinthebeast said...

The air is hella hazy with the smoke from all of the wildfires, which, thankfully, aren't very close to us as of yet. Last year in Rohnert Park we missed evacuation from the Kincade Fire by six blocks, and up here evacuation is an entirely different beast than down in the suburbs.
I will admit that watching Hillary Clinton run out of fucks to give has been glorious.
And what about the (if my numbers are correct) $20 million that the Bannonite in charge of VOA (US Agency for Global Media) directed to the owner of that yacht they pulled Bannon off of?
The grift does go on. Maybe we can kinda muzzle it a little, soon.
I found myself doing a reality check during the DNC to ascertain whether I was being a sucker or not. My conclusion? I couldn't be made to care at gunpoint. Yes, it's all politics. Politics in the service of helping people is just good.
Thank you again for the podcast. I forgot to mention last week that as a Motorhead fan, I find the eat the rich embroidery to be transcendent.

-Doug in Sugar Pine