Saturday, August 29, 2020

Now Charlie Sykes Is Just Trolling Me

Honestly Charlie, if you and your guest are going to use the phrase "Dumpster Fire" three times in one podcast, and breathlessly compare Trump and the rest of your Republican Party to arsonists as if you just figured this shit out yesterday (from me, 14 years ago) --
Drunk on their own Rapture Narcosis, blissfully refusing to listen or learn, they are the base of the Party that makes all the crimes and tragedies and incompetence possible. That incomprehensibly ignorant army who refuse to acknowledge the existence of the fascist conflagration that is burning their asses…while simultaneously and ferociously guarding the arsonists who set and tend the blaze.

And like mercury or PCBs, their pollution now taints everything, so tracking and cataloging each mutagentic nugget of toxin that they leach into our democracy can seem overwhelming. Until the proper context swims into view and you can see that all of their skirmishes on every front – from pulpit to classroom to pharmacy to school board to Congress – all are bred from the same DNA.


That, in the end, is all they have. They mine it, mill it, extrude it, tuckpoint it into every sermon and speech, deep-fry it and package it a hundred different ways in a thousand scary packages...but in the end its always the same product.


Which is a useful emotion in small doses, but anyone who is trying to keep you afraid all the time is your enemy.

And anyone who is afraid all the time is their ally.

A fearful man can’t be reasoned with; he just wants everything that scares him to die and will pay a premium price to anyone who will do the job for him, even if the killers he hires just happen to be the same thugs who have a vested interest in keeping him perpetually panicked. The same people who are jabbing his fear-sac with knitting needles to make sure not a day goes by when he isn’t terrified out of his right mind...
-- the very least you could do is either hit my tip jar on the way out ('cause I know you read this blog Charlie) or quit hiding from me on social media.

And I know we can rely on you Never Trumpers to always do the very least you can do.

No Half Measures


Jake formerly of the LP said...

I've always waited for Charlie-tan to say "And I know this because me and Scott Walker and Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus would work out what I would say to stir up the morons listening to my show. Fear of dark-skinned people always worked well."

In fact, House Dems should call Sykes down to Capitol Hill as part of hearings about hate media/RW milita groups next week, and ask him to describe how he worked with WisGOPs to "divide and conquer" using this type of hot-button racial resentment. Put him next to Icki "Lock and Load" McKenna.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to send a cease & desist letter...
Keep up the good fight!

Mr XD said...


Robt said...

As I recall, Then Gov. Pence accepting the V.P. for Trump. On his way out of the Governorship. Had his Governor records sealed. Because he had nothing to hide from God.

As Charlie Sykes bred flesh eating zombies in the GOP for a nice profit from right wing billionaires funding his radio platform and the entire right wing media. Charlie realized one day when the zombies came for his flesh out of their hunger. Because , that is what zombies do. Eat human flesh. Apparently it is not just Brains because Charlie thought he would be exempt from being devoured because he has no brains to entice them. But his lack of brains led to not thinking through his own edible flesh, zombies crave and found himself on the radio driving stakes into the heads of his zombie callers calling him a liberal.
There is no place in the republican party for Charlie Sykes and the others like him. Rush is finding this out. But the donors to the Tax exempt zombie creation lab incorporated still fund him.
It would be almost fun if a comedian got hold of Charlie's recording of his radio show in the glory days of zombifying his vulnerable listeners.

What Charlie Sykes and many like him, yes the Lincoln Project fellowship. Has in common, is to create a safe place among the GOP zombie horde. Where they can dine on liberal flesh and be supported and included and self justified.
History showed us even after WWII when Germany fell. Many loyuyalists, True NAZIS, believers of the superior race to commit horrific crimes because only they were chosen and superior enough to decide the horrific crimes and not be accountable for them.
They fled, grabbed what money they could and deserted their superior belief to escape the reality of accountability.
And people like Sykes is attempting to make his money grab and flee to Brazil to escape his own folly and hopefully enjoy liberal peace and not be extradited to be held accountable.

They do not feel accountable at all that is why they still say with affection, they are still republicans.!

David said...

They couldn't say as much because they needed to appear, at least, to have something like a spine, but fear was what made Buckley and Kirk and Weaver use the verbal weeds hide their motives, swell their numbers, and look ferocious. It scammed their own rank and file first and then scammed everyone else.