Friday, August 14, 2020

Mr. David Brooks Indulges Three of His Creepiest Fetishes

The New York Times op-ed page is this man's "Penthouse Forum" -- a clearing house for his own forbidden desires, insatiable needs and unspoken lusts...

Creepy Fetish #1. Inventing an imaginary Third Way along which Mr. Brooks strides humbly between the Extremes on Both Sides:
Mostly I find myself supporting the conservative radicals, leaders who are confident that we can push for big change while defeating the illiberalism of radicals on left and right.
Nothing to add here that I haven't written 1.000 times before. The Big Lie of Both Siderism is Brooks' cathedral, his Bible, his vision of paradise and his 401k all rolled into one.  And no force on Earth is ever going to force him or his hundreds of imitators in the media give this lie up.

Creepy Fetish #2.  Pretending that the Civil War never happened:
In the middle of the 19th century, radicals like John Brown and purists like Horace Greeley gave way to the incrementalist Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln had to slowly bring a whole nation around to the abolition of slavery. He had to compromise and gather a broad coalition to pass the 13th Amendment.
Good Christ at Appomattox, these Very Serious Beltway Pundits just fucking love, love, love them some Lincoln, don't they? They just can't stop dream-casting him into every modern travail. Raising him up like a lantern in every dark and bloody corner into which the Republican Party drags us -- a beacon of presidential rectitude and strength.

And Lincoln really was all those things. And more. This is not what makes Brooks' invocation of the man so appalling.

What's appalling is that Very Serious Beltway Pundits like David Brooks have no love for the actual Lincoln. The guy who is buried two miles from my front door. Instead, they love their imaginary Lincoln just as they love their imaginary Reagan.

Their imaginary Lincoln is a Lincoln without Shiloh or Cold Harbor. A Lincoln without the Wilderness or Vicksburg or the Shenandoah Valley.

Their Lincoln is two-dimensional caricature of the actual Lincoln. A gentle redeemer and uniter, and not the man who went through just about every general in the Union Army until he found one that would do what needed to be done: crush the Confederacy completely, regardless of the cost. One that would bomb their cities, burn their crops, slaughter their armies and starve their citizens until, at last, their will to make a traitor's war against the United States was broken and they finally gave up.

There is no place in Mr. Brooks' gauzy cartoon version of American history for a Lincoln who recognized a mortal threat to the nation coming from a despicable confederacy of its own citizens, and who ruthlessly used every bloody means at his disposal to utterly destroy that threat. No place in his idylls for a Lincoln who offered reunion and reconstruct to the South only after they had been beaten to their knees and forced to accept surrender or face extinction.

If all of that sound familiar it should.  I wrote it the last time Brooks tried to shove Actual Lincoln into the dirt and replace him with Brooks' Imaginary Lincoln ("When Beltway Pundits Dream, They Dream of Imaginary Lincoln".)

Creepy Fetish #3Pretending the Dubya Administration never happened and the Republican Party is an entirely different beast than what it self-evidently is.
I’m convinced that if Donald Trump is defeated, revolutionary zealotry will fade as debates over practical change and legislation dominate.
No, no and no.

We already know how the Republican Party will react when they are handed a resounding ass-kicking because it already happened in 2006 and again in 2008.  The racist "revolutionary zealotry" of the Republican base and the reactionary madness of GOP lawmakers did not fade.  Instead, it went thermonuclear...right under Mr. Brooks' nose.

In fact, over the past 20 years pretty much every Republican catastrophe and every lurch the Right has made deeper into Crazytown has preceded by a reassuring pronouncement by Mr. David Brook that a glorious Conservative Renaissance is just around the corner. 

Which is a helluva record.

No Half Measures


dave said...

david brooks is the cooler. just as edmund burke, wf buckley, noonan and wills...

their job is to make sure the oppressor has an excuse. to calm and succor the un-aflicted. their job is to make damn sure the winners keep winning..

until as trump said we're tired of it.

Cheez Whiz said...

Perhaps Brooks' only true value is as a weathervane. Ever since Nixon got on that helicopter and the Republican Party swore "never again" they have responded to defeat by doubling down. David's Dream of a responsible centrist party guarantees we will see a death cage match for the 2024 Republican nomination. It's gonna make Idiocracy look like a PBS nature special.

Robt said...

It is my humble opinion that the photo of Brooks (above). DEscribes the Punch line for Brooks here.

Courtesy flush Please!
Shit or get off the pot.

Neo Tuxedo said...

their job is to make sure the oppressor has an excuse. to calm and succor the un-aflicted.

To comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted (apologies to the shade of Martin P. Dooley).

Unknown said...

"This Is Where I Stand"

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Hey Brooksie-boy, you can open ANY column of yours with that line o'piffle and it will ALWAYS be meaningless because of the inviolable Blue Gal axiom:
"It is mandatory to quote what David Brooks wrote this week.
It is forbidden to quote what David Brooks wrote last week."

Your "Stand" is as firm as yr skitters in the pan in the above photo(shop). Your confessional self-absolution is meaningless. You will NOT be forgiven.

Trump is a Republican.
YOU are a Republican.
You helped make him happen.
You helped make all of this happen.
You have no "Stand".
You have no spine.
You can run to the deck railing if you like, but...
We are burning your lifeboat.

crweaver said...

Indeed, don't be surprised if the GOP regroups, rebrands, ratfucks their way back into power, and puts Marjorie Taylor Greene in the White House.

Casbott said...

As for the next iteration of the Republican party … aka Tea Party 2.0, right now the frontrunner appears to be Q Anon.

Now that will be a ride, and for the GOP not so much a bucking Bull as a bucking Tiger. Already a few are riding that beast hoping for some consequence free electoral boost, but they are in for a shock.
Not only are some of the number riding the Tiger to power and elected positions true adherents that will go full on frothing at the mouth on the chamber floor, but the entire "movement" is beyond control or even understanding of the party, and trying to steer it will be impossible. There is even the risk that it could turn on any of them at any moment, as the fanatics decide that one of them isn't "pure enough". "Q" may decide (or be interpreted) that their head may look better adorning the altar instead of standing behind it.

And that does give a opportunity to really mess with the GOP, if online activist decide to troll the Q forums with competing conspiracies that turn them to eat their own.

But in the meanwhile, we have to look forward to the GOP being tied up with effectively a neurotic quasi terrorist movement - if only the Feds could be sicked on them.