Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Get Your Election On: The Story Continues 6

(Concept lifted from David Rees' brilliant, Bush-era "Get Your War On" series -- a well from which I may continue to draw inspiration from time to time as the crazy continues to grow exponentially.)

No Half Measures

1 comment:

Robt said...

The bipartisan convention?

I tuned in to the televised Dem Convention while I was typing out family emails to catch up with them.
over all, It was OK and they presented their case(s).

Just odd when,
_ John kaisich stands on a fork in the road like that dude who tossed the rock in the lake (ad) years ago. I accept and welcome John's support for Biden but does he support voting for McConnell's democratic Senate opponent?
John talked about importance to listen and work together for Americans. I recall, Governor John of Ohio decided on his own to end collective bargaining for the state. Them damn unions. It would set labor free to earn less and have less say in the work place. The people of his state got a court order to hold John's plan for labor freedom and collected more than enough signatures to put collective bargaining on the ballot and John lost big time on that. Only afterwards John stated you should listen to the people. But Gov. John was listening to his people, the same people that are big wealthy donors. The ones that 5 SCOTUS judges ruled that Corporations are people. That is still John's people he listens to.

The poor daughter of a Trump voter who believed Trump so much he died from COvID19 for it.

The self serving greedy young man who resigned from Homeland Security after he cheat and lied for Trump in promise of getting a cushy government job (pad his resume) sell off government under his control to the highest bidder and self profit. Now saying he was duped by the fascist leader.

My highlight of the convention day 1. Michelle Obama speech.

How Michelle Obama provided Trump with speech plagiarizing material for Malania. Again.