Monday, June 01, 2020

Until Very Recently, Lincoln Project Co-Founder Had a Very Different Opinion About the Confederate Flag

The original Tweet is gone because Rick doesn't like to leave evidence of the wetwork he did for his Republican Party just laying around.

But the internet is forever.*

All of which is to say that, as a full grown adult human being and professional Republican ratfucker, Mr. Wilson has long been...
  1. Perfectly aware of the toxic racist history of the Traitor Flag and, 
  2. Perfectly comfortable brandishing it when he thought no one was looking or cared.  

Which might make a fair-minded person wonder whether Mr. Wilson's Lincoln Project ad -- an ad with an Ominous Voice Over explaining what the Traitor Flag really means--
No patriotic American should brandish or proudly celebrate the iconography of a rebellion that resulted in tremendous devastation, the loss of more than 620,000 American lives, and the continued subjugation of Black America.
-- is 100% sincere.

An ad which has been very carefully curated to avoid mentioning that Mr. Wilson's Republican Party was way too comfortable flying the American Swastika (remember George Allen?) --

-- (Hey is that Mitch McConnell? Yes.  Yes it is.) -- 

-- and worshiping at the monuments of American traitors long before Donald Trump showed up to harvest that poisonous crop that men like Mr. Wilson had prepared for him.

* Just in case your browser doesn't resolve the graphics embedded in the Tweet above

No Half Measures


Lawrence said...

The *President* hides in his bunker and turns off the lights. Would whoever wrote "He trashed the place. And it wasn't even his place." please put on the gimp suit and report for duty. You will be tied to the front of the truck we will be using as a battering ram.

R White said...

Looking a Rick's twitter feed now and then, it definitely shows how much of a hypocritical assclown the guy is and how he has right-wing loonies worshiping his every word. That screenshot alone shows that the first responder just happens to be a girl I went to high school with who is batshit cray-cray who also led me to quit Faceberg. weird.

Robt said...

And our invisible first Vice President of God, VP Pence.

Who had all his information as governor and beyond sealed . While he was still governor. Before adding another GOD/Idol in his life to worship in a divided devoted way.

Neo Tuxedo said...

It turns out, if we can believe Sally Quinn, to have been David Broder, who's too dead to put himself into the gimp suit. That's the only thing disqualifying him from use for such a noble purpose as you propose, though.

Anonymous said...

Weaponizing Driftglass against the "Never Trumpers" is the most effective means of fighting their hypocrisy. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." Keep 'em comin'......TY.

Jason said...

I can't say I forgive or like Wilson but any sh-t heel that carried serious water for the GOP who decides to work against Republicans right now at least will get me to pause. This guy isn't to be trusted ever and if the Republican party were somehow able to go back to it's usual m.o. of dog whistling all their heinous sh-t I don't doubt a moment Wilson will go running back into their arms. All that aside, as DG often comments, why does this assclown get praised, media access and all well wishes? The guy was an architect for the sh-tpile we're in today and he deserves to be shunned from polite society.