Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Donald Trump Stalking Horse, Justin Amash, Racks Up Major Endorsement

Yes, we live in a world where a certified, shoutycracker Tea Party lunatic like Joe Walsh is handed a column in the Washington Post, while actual Liberals who have been right about the Right all along are pushed even further into the shadows.

No Half Measures


Neo Tuxedo said...

I give Walsh credit for having enough vestiges of sanity to realize that Trump is, at least, bad for the Republican Party Death Cult, if not that he is the Republican Party Death Cult's moral ideal brought into reality in its full and final perfection. When the Man comes around and the whirlwind is in the thorn tree, this may keep Walsh's nose, and even his mouth, above the surface of the lake of boiling hyena vomit, if only because he gets to stand, as he so often has in his career, on Tom DeLay's shoulders.

But yeah, it would be nice if those column inches were given to one of the Premature Anti-Fascists of our time.

Anonymous said...

Amash will stay in the "exploratory" stage up to the point the Trump campaign determines his continued presence benefits Biden more than Trump--then he'll go back to the both-sides fence. The whole Republican Party is a fetid, rotting corpse looking to keep stinking until we are all sick.

Robt said...

I sort of disagree. I think Trump is a blessing to the GOP.

The chosen one to lead them to their just deserves all superior races have received for their efforts.

Robt said...

The Give-Me- Tarians are earning their GOP pay checks in Mich. Protesting safety precautions to save lives is UN-mah-Contra-Tooyuona;

Just like the Log Cabin republicans willing to be flogged by their party leaders as long as their is pay checks in it.

These are the same folks after GW Bush in 2008 signed the Wall Street bail out. Waited for leadership instructions after jan 31 2009 inauguration of Obama. To blame him for the bail out and big spending.
Never once did they protest a company that moved to china or closed down in the midst of the great recession. Where was their right to work then?