Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Triumphant Return of Manny Peeple*

After a couple of weeks in quarantine, President Cornered Rat's favorite imaginary friend --
Who is Manny Peeple?

He is President Stupid's most trusted adviser.
"Many people are saying that I am a very stable genius.”
He is President Stupid's dearest and most reliable friend.
"Many people feel the same way that I do."
And President Stupid's once again leaned hard on him this week.
"So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki."
-- is back baby!
And just you watch, haters.  Manny Peeple is going to make this the Best God Damn Infrastructure Week Ever!

*(h/t alert reader (((Michael Eric "Rosey" Rosenthal))))

Help Flatten The Conservative Viral Curve.


Robt said...

Exactly what did Trump close that he will quickly re open?

If by what he means by "quickly" is as the swift action he took early on the pandemic as no other person in the world ever could do, except him.

this reopening might not happen for quite some time.

Lawrence said...

I hope the Fox voters are listening when the bobbleheads muse about how the olds should be culled to get the Dow pumped up again. Moderate case means anything short of needing oxygen support. China reports that survivors can have 20 to 30% permanent loss in lung capacity. And I don't miss the 40 minute commute. Apart from the VPN dropping me out a few times a day I'm just fine staying home. Better scenery.

crweaver said...

'Manny Peeple' is very likely a ghost - kinda like 'Not Me' and 'Ida Know'!

Robt said...

Manny Peeples is a common name in Trump organizational circle jerks.

Manny Peeples been around for a long long time, Mick Jagger wrote a song introducing him.

"sympathy for the Manny Peeples", as I recall.