Friday, March 27, 2020

A Video Feed From the Führerbunker During the Last Days of Third Reich... would look a lot like this.

Na na na na na na na, Leader!

Army Group Steiner Will Not Save Us


sos said...

Is it just me or does Dr Birx always look like she's covering up a hickey?

Robt said...

It is pretty close to a burka for a republican.

Robt said...

When Herr Dr. Blix devoted herself to the Trump HUNCH. The Hunch that he has relied on and never ever been wrong with. Except all the times he has wrong.
But those times his HUNCH was wrong (unlike GW Bush's gut).
It was always something NO ONE else could have ever conceived happening or preparing for, (Not even the Trump hunch), and on top of that, if it wasn't always and I mean always for someone else being the blame for their failing somewhere back in history. Those Hunches would stand righteous.

If you go back in time far enough. When God created the bat, other animals and Donald Trump in his image. God should have known those bats would have liberal powers to create such a hoax to make him look bad..

R White said...

probably a nasty pustule that emerged due to her catching syphilis from fellating dear leader...

Fritz Strand said...

Dr. Blix statement is right out of "The Cancer Ward".