Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Today In Both Sides Do It: Magic Dolphin Lady

When Beltway Both Siderism is your one true faith, Both Sides are always to blame for everything, history always just started yesterday --
-- and you never have to worry about making an honest dollar for the rest of your life.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Peggers makes the call!

America was anxiously awaiting her it is all poor imaging, It is the countries fault of the divide because things like an entire TV network can propagandize 24/7 for decades.
You know Nooners was right next to Trump when he stated, "there are some decent NAZIS on the other side and those anti NAZIS are the ones that incited the NAZIS to violence.

But hey, Why doesn't GOD compromise with Satan? Why does he have to be so liberal lefty partisan. God using all his political righteous majority should do Satan's minority bidding to be fair and non partisan. I mean, there are some good Satanists on the other side, right?

Peggers, The Ann Landers of Hippocratic diversion therapy.

What is so odd, FOX doesn't give Noooners any air time but MSNBC and others for some reason do. Show guest bookers? Network top down orders? Show host insistence to get the Nooners?
I am going out on a limb here to say, I am positive none of those entities are receiving viewer requests clamoring for her breathless words of reassurance that it is fine to be a indentured servant. As long as it is not her doing the servitude.

Bubba_Deets said...

I think Peggy Noonan conspired with Vladimir Putin to undermine faith in the US election process, cast doubt on the Democratic National Committee and provide fodder to Donald Trump for his reelection commercials. Thank God we have MSNBC and Nancy Polosi in our corner!

Jason said...

Nooners needs that both sides do it dollar for candles she keeps lit on her Reagan altar. In her quieter moments, I wonder if she feels a pain in her gut. A psychic ripping away. An indescribable tearing of her inner being's fabric as she watches the neoliberal politics of her beloved Reagan finally being torn asunder and soon to be gratefully forgotten as a dead end political philosophy.

Robt said...

Peggers failed Oscar nomnations hasn't quite equated into a FOX career of fat corporate pay checks for her.

Newt left Peggers at the alter for the Calista who had a future as the Amb. to the Vatican.

The only thing needed to both sider something is for GOX to run Senator Larry Craig's toe tapper and Denny Pedophile Hastert as Democrats.

Like Romney right now is a deep state liberal.
It is like the the old teenage asshole question.
Would you suck my penis if I washed it?

If the answer is no. You are a dirty penis sucker.

If the answer is yes, it is obvious.