Thursday, December 05, 2019

Welcome To Hell

In one of the malebolges in one of the deeper circles of Hell you will find a never-ending podcast.  It features Ezra Klein interviewing an endless procession of Republican politicians and pundits from Lindsay Graham to Hugh Hewitt to Rodney Davis.  While he interviews them, the rest of the Republican party committing crimes against man and God in plain sight: crimes that gradually escalate from Corleone to Orwellian to Lovecraftian.  And as each successive atrocity is completed, Ezra waves a bewildered finger at Mitch McConnell or Doug Collins or Matt Gaetz or Gym Jordan and declaims in a high voice, "I put it to you sir (or madame): is this acceptable!?!"

And then Laura Ingraham or Tucker Carlson or Duncan Hunter laughs at him, or ignores him, or lectures him about his Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Next, to fill the empty air left in the wake of their complete disinterest in acknowledging that anything untoward is happening, Mr. Klein begins making up arguments that he feels a "reasonable Conservative" could possibly make (because for whatever fucking reason, people like Ezra Klein feel an irresistible compulsion to invent debating points that some imaginary Republican might theoretically advance in some completely different alternate universe) and then once again waves a vexed finger at Strom Thurmond or Lee Atwater or Newt Gingrich or Pat Buchanan or Paul Weyrich or Tom DeLay and declaims in a teacup voice, "But I put it to you sir (or madame) that you aren't even making this potentially defensible argument!"

And then Louis Gohmert or Steve Doocey or Rush Limbaugh or both Falwells or Stephen Miller laughs at him, or ignores him, or lectures him about what a monster Hillary Clinton is and how Nancy Pelosi wants to cut off every man's penis.

And that's the very Hell of it.  That even as Republican malefactors rip food out of the mouths of the hungry, and deny basic medical care to the sick, or toss terrified, screaming children into cages, Mr. Klein drones on and on in a never-ending monotone of childlike incredulity.

"Surely one must admit..." Mr. Klein practically begs of ghouls who not only have no intention of ever admitting anything, but clearly revel in their ghoulishness.

"But at some point you would have to say..." Mr. Klein pleads (as if there were some behavioral threshold beyond which civilized norms will not permit them to go) as Republicans cheerfully go about poisoning the Earth, looting the treasury and plotting to kidnap and drown the first-born of Gotham:

While this continues for eternity, in a far corner of the room, leaning on its haunches, scratching itself with a quizzical look on its face sits a homunculus who very strongly resembles Rick Wilson.  Its eyes are jaundiced from all the raw hatred it has channeled in the cause of getting many of the monsters who Mr. Klein is interviewing elected.  Its hands are caked with the blood of long years spent helping the wingnut mob tear everything decent to bits.

The Rickmunculus now scratches its head and muses aloud that, just maybe, the Republican party is not what he believed it was.  That it is just barely possible that, in its innocence, it had been bamboozled.  Mind you, Rickmunculus never actually admits this...just slyly hints that, for the purposes of speculation, it is imaginable.

Finally, and just to add an extra kick in the teeth, from deep in the shadows, various moguls, lobbying firms and media corporations continually heave huge bags of cash at everyone involved.

Well, not you of course. Because as I explained, this is Hell.

Tip Jar


Bazzer said...

A fine work indeed! Dante, step aside!

threemma said...

Tina, king of monster island.

threemma said...

Like pilgrims in a fable swallowed up and lost among the inward parts of some granitic beast. Deep stone flues where the water dripped and sang. Tolling in the silence the minutes of the earth and the hours and the days of it and the years without cease. Until they stood in a great stone room where lay a black and ancient lake. And on the far shore a creature that raised its dripping mouth from the rimstone pool and stared into the light with eyes dead white and sightless as the eggs of spiders. It swung its head low over the water as if to take the scent of what it could not see. Crouching there pale and naked and translucent, its alabaster bones cast up in shadow on the rocks behind it. Its bowels, its beating heart. The brain that pulsed in a dull glass bell. It swung its head from side to side and then gave out a low moan and turned and lurched away and loped soundlessly into the dark.

RossK said...

One can only wonder if...

...Mr. Coppola were to remake Apocalypse Now today if the phrase 'The Horror!' would be replaced with 'The Rickmunculus!'

Of course, if it were up to Mr. Conrad, we can pretty sure how he would describe the final judgement of very fine folks like Mr. Wilson and his esteemed colleagues in the darkest of the black-hearted arts.


Anonymous said...

Heard about your mom. I give you the best advice someone gave me when both of my parents died peacefully at home together. It eventually gets better. It took me 6 months before starting to get my groove back and a year to fully move on. So take care.

Anonymous said...

Heard about your mom. I give you the best advice someone gave me when both of my parents died peacefully at home together. It eventually gets better. It took me 6 months before starting to get my groove back and a year to fully move on. So take care.

Robt said...

A senator who is supposedly representing everyone in his state..

Some time ago, wrote in our paper, He writes things in the paper to replace town halls. Oh, he will meet with special groups like anti Abortion religious groups. Anyhow, he wrote in the paper that, he didn't vote for Trump. He voted for Mike Pence (as VP). Pence was listeted on the ballot with Trump together as one vote (one bubble to fill in.

Some time later, another "town Hall news paper story" of his. He wrote that it is everyone's duty to pray for Trump. No, not pray for the country. Thing is, I don't pay taxes to fund a senator to tell me to pray. I expect my elected officials to act and perform their duty. Silly me. Like I did in the military fighting in war.
My senator doesn't perform oversight, nor legislates. He wants us to pray and still he wants to be paid and his health care for him and his family on socialistic dimes.
So here is the issue.

It is my duty to pray for Trump?

Although I do not subscribe to any spite toward people of faith doing good things. I disapprove and oppose the ill will men have done in the name of religion.

Arriving at Agnostic leaning atheist. My senator tells me to pray?

As I witnessed Pelosi's well rounded upper cut landing it on Rosen who accused her of impeaching out of "HATE". I could only shout out an "Amen". From the spiritual side of my agnosticism.
I may not always agree with Pelosi or her Catolicism. I can come together on good will.
God is not required to be humane and do good deeds. (FOX and GOP if your listening, it is true).
Here is were I will end on this Rosen accusation of Pelosi acting out of pure hate because Collins or Nunes or some other republican widely renowned for fabrications.* When, Will the religious right wingers of the Christian faith. The republican s who God speaks on a frequent first name basis.
Will they stand up for Nancy's catholic faith? Will they stand and be counted?

See, I do not think they will and reason is, even though catholic is considered Christianity based. Religious right is so extreme and self convincing of their own purity of faith that a christian can only be republican in their ideological mental illness..

In other words, That commandment of having only one idol (one God) and no God above the one and only.
Even an agnostic leaning atheist can show respect for another and their beliefs.

You would think a grown person would have enough sense not to force their "Beliefs" on others while disregarding what those people, "know"

Pelosi and I part at praying for Trump. She does and I do not. Never once did I see a bully not take a nerds lunch money because he prayed about it.

I solemnly do agree with Pelosi admonishing Rosen for his question of spite. For what, right wing media ?
Girl splaining. To a man for a change was nice. I stand with Pelosi and fully respect her faith and her confronting of Rosen for either not caring, knowing and doing his homework as a reporter to have the simple knowledge even I have known for a long time Pelosi has been in office. She holds her faith and uses it when and whee she can for good. It is easy to see. If you look and are capable of basic sight.

It takes me back to candidate for president Hohn Kerry. In debate was asked if president would he ban abortions since knowing he is Catholic and the religion is not aligned with abortion.
Kerry answered , It would not be his place to legislate his religion on people and that it was above his catholic pay grade.

many felt it was a dodging of the question. Only because, it is not the answer they wanted to condemn hi for.