Thursday, June 06, 2019

A Much, Much More Appropriate Venue... readily available.

From the Washington Post:

Trump wants a starring role on July 4th. Jefferson settled for punch and cake.

On the morning of July 4, 1801, a bareheaded President Thomas Jefferson, his “grey locks waving in the air,” watched from the front steps of the White House as crowds celebrated America’s 25th birthday with a military parade, horse races and cockfights. At noon, the president opened the doors to greet guests including ordinary citizens, diplomats, military officers and five Cherokee chiefs.

The Marine Band played in the entrance hall. Inside, about 100 guests were served cakes, wine and punch. “All appeared to be cheerful, all happy. Mr. Jefferson mingled promiscuously with the citizens,” said a woman who attended the event.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s plans to insert himself into the celebration of Fourth of July by delivering a speech at the Lincoln Memorial came under attack by House Democrats, who warned it “could create the appearance of a televised, partisan campaign rally on the Mall at public expense.”
As the last president of the Confederacy, I think it only appropriate that President Stupid should address his army of bigots and imbeciles from the grave of the first president of the Confederacy.

I'm sure the crowds would be loud...

... and enthusiastic.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

As Trump politically masturbates in front of the grave stones at the cemetery of dead D-Day soldiers.

His Putin created state run TV sends La-La Pisser Ingraham for the special MAGA interview to praise Fascism and spit on fellow Americans.

Memorializing his own brave draft dodging. How he hates American soldiers who get captured. As well as those failed Liberal soldiers who get themselves killed.

Because you know, Trump was smarter than those losers who died in Vietnam too.
> Remember Trump on D-Day and his sacrifice of having to travel to attend a ceremony that is so liberal it honors those D-day loses of life and it makes it tough for MAGA man to compete in the celebrity media for air time.

After all, Trump fought his own personal Vietnam war as a civilian inheritance baby playboy paying hookers for sex and battling the contracting of STDs.
The republican hero.

A GOP hero because Trump makes so many of the GOP ranks able to say, I am not as a degenerate as Trump is.

Jimbo said...

Yes, he truly is the last president of the Confederacy. Ever since he was elected, in the western VA rural area where we have our farm, started blooming with the Confederate battle flag in 2016. They're still there because he's still there. Not much longer if we all get our shit together.