Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Whenever I See A Never Trumper These Days

...all I hear is this.

This probably makes me a bad person, but at least I'm not trying to sell your own words from 20 years ago back to you as some Earth-shattering political epiphany.

I would, however, appreciate a contribution to my birthday fundraiser.

Right now, for example, a single copy of Rick Wilson's book "Holy Shit, The Republican Party Is Full Of Republicans" is selling for $27.00 in hardback at Barnes and Noble.

Something to consider :-)

Behold, a Birthday Fundraiser!

1 comment:

Robt said...

Yep, Just like the Flat Earthers too.

The Moonies want you to buy their paper just like the National Review.

It is just too hard of a buy for Republican big money financiers to buy a , "Never Trump" book in bulk . To drive it up on the best seller list.

Then give the "Never Trump" books away for attending a Trump rally or any other GOP function.