Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Runaway Juror

Manafort holdout juror -- identified only as "Pris Pristy" a "real human being such as yourself" -- seen here in happier times.

From the Washington Post:
Lone holdout on Manafort jury blocked conviction on all counts, juror says

A juror in the trial of Paul Manafort said Wednesday that all but one of the jurors wanted to convict President Trump’s former campaign chairman on every charge he faced — though she criticized special counsel prosecutors as seeming “bored” throughout the trial and said she believed their true motive was to “get the dirt on Trump.”

The juror, who spoke on the record to Fox News and gave her name as Paula Duncan, said jurors “again and again” laid out for the lone holdout the evidence that persuaded them Manafort was guilty. But the holdout, a female, said she harbored reasonable doubt, Duncan said.

“The evidence was overwhelming,” Duncan said, pointing to prosecutors’ extensive paper trail. “I did not want Paul Manafort to be guilty, but he was, and no one’s above the law.”...
I have reasonable doubt that "Pris Pristy"should ever have been allowed within 1,000 miles of any jury having anything to do with the Trump crime syndicate.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


trgahan said...

I am sure Hannity will be telling Trump tonight that Ms. Duncan's statements are excellent news for them because she proved A) any criminal trial will include Trumpshirt jurors; B) they believe the Deep State bullshit is REAL; C) they LOVE Der Leader; and D) there is a distinct limit to their commitment to "law and order."

Ms. Duncan's line wasn't crossed with Manafort, but her statements make it a safe bet she'd been the "lone holdout" if it had been Trump or one of his immediate criminal progeny.

Manafort was damaged goods who got sloppy and like a good organized crime syndicate such people get left out in the cold to protect the Don and the organization.

Robt said...

Wow, was I wrong on thizzzzzzz one!

I was sure the mysterious hold out was none other than David Davidson.

How could I have gotten this so wrong. I was sure there were LLC transactions payable to Jurist David Davidson.

Question is. examining the jurists would have impact on if the prosecutor refiles the other 10 indicted counts that were Jury-mandered by Trump's (and the right-nut bag media).
I have this foggy recall of GW Bush constantly telling the press and public. When it comes to ongoing investigations (regarding scooter outing an undercover CIA agent). "We don't comment on ongoing investigations"

How old fashioned. How traditional!!

You think the Conservatives would own that value?

ziply said...

All of Trump's tweets, all of Faux's Noise, all of Hannity's insanities are concerted efforts to piss in the jury pool precisely for this effect