Friday, September 01, 2017

Professional Left Podcast #404

"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with that there is."
-- Ernest Hemingway, writer, The Old Man and the Sea

This week in addition to posting the ep here for you;re listening pleasure, I'm once again asking everyone to go to our NEW website -- -- to listen to the show.

There are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as a link to our swingin' Zazzle merch store!  Many thanks once again to @theologop for setting us up so beautifully anc continuing to add sweet gimcracks and doodads (pardon the technical jargon.)


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" -- 

-- and real listeners like you!


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

Ivanka Trump is basically the Living Pivot...the manifestation of the realization that her father is a disaster, but there's this hope that his disease can either be quarantined or cured.

Sort of like Mr. Brooks' Reasonable Republican Messiah as well, now that I think about it.

And like the Pivot and the Reasonable Republican Messiah, Ivanka's not going to save us.

On an unrelated note, I subscribed to your Youtube page. You know you can monetize that, yes? You'll have to get rid of the song you play at the end though (assuming it's copyright-protected).

Be seeing you.

dinthebeast said...

Anti science? Let's also get rid of the dishonest use of what was once science, long after it has been superseded.
Like Arkema, the currently exploding chemical plant in Crosby, Texas, a plant with back up power and back up for the back up, built on a "500 year flood plain."
That 500 year designation is a statistical probability, not a time line, but given that Houston has had three 500 year floods in three years, would they not be wise to update their statistical models? At least before they allow people to live in close proximity to the plant, which not many, but some do?
Thanks again for the podcast. I tried looking you guys up on YouTube, but I just found some older promos and a playlist that begins with "Trump Wars"... Is that it, or am I missing something?

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

Using science I am observing and documenting how long "Alt Facts" are the well trusted words of the right. This phenomenon (called many things over time), has displayed the gullibility of the vulnerability of the robotic synthetic created thoughts of androids like Hewitt.

Like the T-Potters it had it's shelf life. As the Republican conservative principled valued soul became anew and more right. T-Potters are just more centered and liberal than the Alt Right (NAZI-KKK- White supremacy crowd).

The farther the right goes right. No matter how extreme. it is astonishing how it is played in the media as "how both sides have moved away from each other.
Which now serves the so called "moderate" republican as elusive as it is.
Who now can use the phrase, "FAR Left" everything he speaks of or points distraction-ary blame to Democrats, Progressives and liberals (even independents).
One finding is with Bothsiderism.
The more the right moves right. The more the left is blamed for becoming farther left. The optical illusion enters the conservative consciousness like an infectious virus that doesn't seem to respond to any treatment and only rarely does the infected produce the required antibodies to survive it's illness.

In essence they will call Black Lives matter, a terrorist group (without the acts of terror).
And NAZI and KKK white supremacists worshiping statues is patriotic and hold dear to their faith.
If the difference is drawn. Like after Trump's "many, many sides of good NAZIs ".

The illusion of both sides dissipates and loses alternative sparkly glimmer of alternative fact pretense.

I wonder,
P.J. Simpson made a run for the border in a bronco on national TV as the law pursued.
What will be the Trump's choice of fleeing?

Robt said...

For all those Texans that reelected those republican congress cowboys and girls) that voted against the far left coast sandy aid package of pork to redistribute other peoples money.

Remember Reagan's scariest words,
"I am from the government and I am here to help{.

Before any Harvey aid package is voted on, Every no voter from Texas republicans must sign a statement that they are willing to use socialism to redistribute money in pork slabs to the far Right Gulf coast.
Playing politics would be accused. Only to be responded to with debt and deficits. That the Harvey pork funding needs to be off set by the Afghanistan war funding and the president's security team funding.

Then speak of the Prosperity Gospel and prayers going out to those end time prepper Texans that aren't prepared.