Thursday, August 17, 2017

Matthew Dowd is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

ABC News' chief political analyst warns that pointing that he is a callow, myopic political chump is not a "winning strategy."
I dunno, Mr. Dowd--

-- it sure feels like I've won something.

So, no, I'll be rubbing it in for awhile longer.

Also, for someone who wears his Catholicism so prominently on his sleeve, Mr. Dowd seems acutely averse to anything remotely resembling confession, repentance or atonement.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

I sent this in to a psychic. Not just any psychic, a California psychic. Like the ones advertised on the TV.

" i voted. Just not for either one. Proud of it.", Dowd.

California psychic answer;

This is history repeating itself as with GW Bush after the economic and moral bankruptcy flogged on Americans at GW Bush and GOP hands. Dowd said the same thing about voting Bush. A psychic is not required to know that in 2008, could not find anyone admitting they voted for Bush (both times let alone once). As a free trial bonus, Dowd should look up "False witness"

Special notice;
California psychics did not employ any psychic powers to answer this. We only charge for psychic services rendered. No psychic powers provided and no charge.

dinthebeast said...

"huh??? I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. The duopoly is broken."

Really? I could swear that half of it was vigorously buggering away at the country. But no, you don't get out of responsibility for said buggering by claiming non-participation. You didn't even bother to try to stop it from happening, so take that broken duopoly and go fuck yourself with it. You've already fucked all of us with it, so you might as well.

-Doug in Oakland

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

So let me get this straight...we're dealing with people who, if you hold a mirror up to them on their Trump-vote, will re-vote for him out of spite?

Is he TRYING to portray these people as a**holes?

Be seeing you.

Mike R said...

Kevin, don't know if he is trying to portray Trump voters as assholes, but he sure makes it clear that he is a giant asshole and apparently proud of it.

Lit3Bolt said...

Matthew Dowd, whatever is many many other faults, is certainly an expert infantile white privilege and its "feweelings," which often get hurt by hearing Spanish to press 2 on the phone or seeing a black American angry at injustice. Also, white "feweelings" demand that no matter how often white Americans are catastrophically, apocalypticly wrong about almost everything, they must never apologize or take responsibility, and you're making them feel bad and resentful if you point out what a moral abyss inhabits the souls of such people, and they'll "get back" at you for making them feel bad by shitting on the floor of society, constantly, then demanding to know what stinks in here.

RUKidding said...

Oh yeah. "The Duopoly is broken" because fundamentally ridiculous Matthew Dowd refused to vote for either nominee of the two major parties. All Hail our Great Redeemer, insanely egotistical & completely ridiclous, Matthew Dowd for allegedly "saving us" from ourselves.

GFY, ya azzhat.

Dowd: YOU built this monster. YOU coddled & encouraged it just as much as YOUR LEADER, Trump, is doing now. YOU own it. Now YOU try to run away from it all the while going: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Not MY fault.


ziply said...

He sounds like a little boy too young to vote. Or a garden variety putz.

Robt said...

Half full or half empty is Dowd's brain.

Some take a seat of voting on election day for the lesser of two evils.

Others look to voting for the best of the choices put in ront of them.

Dowd claims he can do neither. But I am sure he has paid a ticket when he did not "believe he deserved it". I guess the choice put in front of him to be accountable monetarily or pay for it with time served was a decision he could make.
Too bad he could not apply some sort of reasoning to his vote.
He sounds so proud of his laziness in not voting. Let others choose so he can denigrate their decision from his proud penthouse roof top of pure involvement.
Yes voting can be tough in making choices. But consider, all through out Americans history who have sacrificed to that grueling duty to vote.

Somehow Dowd feels this position is where he needs to be to lecture people?

It just shows that network news corps. have set their standards down to get the untalented who are happy for the pay and notoriety to say what the owners of Free Speech allows them to propagate.