Friday, March 24, 2017

Professional Left Podcast #381

"If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him."  
--  Sun Tzu


The Professional Left is "sponsored" by...

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Unknown said...

Why did you laugh at the essay written by the Rochester High School student about Swap Day? That girl wanted her eyes opened about what life is like for less advantaged kids and volunteered to spend a day at a downtown Springfield high school. She was open and honest in describing her experiences and rather than acknowledge the effort she put forth, you laughed at her words.

She's a kid. Her parents probably chose her school for her by intentionally moving into the Rochester district. Rather than mock her, maybe you could encourage her to continue learning about the differences in educational opportunities and discuss programs that she could join to bridge those gaps.

Unknown said...

Republicans have been obstructionists so long they no longer can govern. They thought it would be a great idea to put a clueless idiot in the White House. They never had a healthcare plan, only a tax cut plan.

Roger McCarthy said...

Can't see anything wrong with my broadband connection but for some reason taking an unconscionably long time (9 minutes for 31 mbs!) to download this week...