Thursday, June 18, 2015

Look away, Look away, Look away, Dixie Land

Even after a day of tragedy and slaughter, the American Swastika continues to fly proudly and at full-mast in front of the South Carolina statehouse.

But maybe that's the point.

From Vox:
South Carolina's Confederate flag is still flying. It's an insult to Charleston's victims.
Meanwhile I would bet the rent money that the rest of us can expect the usual flood of emails from our Crazy Uncle Liberties calling for Moar Gunz! and insisting that the real villains here are Eric Holder and Barack Obama.


Anonymous said...

I hate to be a downer, but I have little faith that the United States can continue as it's presently constituted. American conservatives have become too savage and stupid and cruel for any project of self-government. They have retreated into their own humid, reeking cognitive terrarium, and they have welded the hatch shut. They are never coming out. It's never been clearer that they cannot be trusted with even the smallest measure of power over other people. I'd love to be wrong.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker said...

Revanchism is somewhat like a psychotropic chemical.

Some people can use it moderately and make themselves feel better, while doing no harm to themselves or other people.

Others go off the deep end with it.

Jim from MN said...

"the American Swastika" indeed.

Anne Onymouse said...

PS a quick google image search shows a vacuum yearning to be filled

driftglass said...

Anne Onymouse: Your first comment was deleted in error. My bad :-(

Anne Onymouse said...

thanks, it was probably regrettable anyway...