Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fundraiser Day Two: While You Were Out

While you were busy worrying about real things in the real world, here are a few of the various species of mendacious twaddle over which Breitbart's unloved spawn were freaking out...

Cop-killing Wingnut-Seditionists-Who-Got-Cranked-Up-To-11 is reported thus:
Firstly, we need to realize this is not a “gun” problem. This is a government problem.
In fact, these two nuts that killed the Vegas officers–and make no mistake, these two were nuts–were directly affected by Obama’s militarization of the US government. The pair was supposedly in attendance at the Bundy Ranch (though I haven’t seen direct proof of that) when Obama sent his jackbooted government thugs to destroy a single ranger’s livelihood.
Crazy "Leftist" Donna Brazille is always a great fallback hate-pinata when some innocuous comment from Michelle Obama is not immediately available to be inflated into Fascism On The March!
The woman who was never proud of her country until she and her husband were deposited in the White House spoke to a class in Topeka, Kansas last Friday where she told students to monitor their parents for racist speech because she and her hubby can only do so much without good little informants like them back home.
In nearly every big city in America gangs of black youths have been roaming through the city searching out white people to beat and sometimes kill.
The Redskins as yet another Terrifying Sign of the coming Obama Caliphate:
Barack Obama has become an expert at using his powers to regulate as a weapon to destroy Americans he doesn’t like. Just as he attempted to use the IRS to destroy conservatives, as he’s used the EPA to destroy our energy sector, as he used Obamacare to eliminate freedom of religion, Obama and his thuggish administration has now attempted to force a football team to stop using a name Obama doesn’t like.
And of course, remember kids!  Shouting n*gger on the air isn't the problem.  The PC Police trying to silence your attempt to have honest discussion know where this is going...
WIND Kicks Joe Walsh Off The Air, Station Refused to Allow Honest Discussion of Racism

Former Congressman Joe Walsh joined WIND AM 560 not long after he left Congress and has been doing a great, fearless job on the air. The station was even beginning to look into syndicating him. But now, because he tried to have an honest discussion about racism, the station got cold feet and suspended him until further notice...

but as one Leftist Devil once said...
...once purity itself becomes all you care about -- once it becomes a distillery race to see who can get to 100% -- the chicken farmers are never far behind:
The main Islamist group in Algeria, the GIA, ended up being led by a Mr. Zouabri, a chicken farmer, who killed everyone who disagreed with him. He issued a final communiquƩ, declaring that the whole of Algerian society should be killed, with the exception of his tiny remaining band of Islamists. They were the only ones who understood the truth.


Redhand said...

Shouting n*gger on the air isn't the problem. The PC Police trying to silence your attempt to have honest discussion know where this is going...

WIND Kicks Joe Walsh Off The Air, Station Refused to Allow Honest Discussion of Racism

I'm just laughing through tears on this. You can't make this sh*t up; you just can't.

But hey, I learned a new phrase from your link to "Crazed Negro Wildings": "I am Freedomist." George Orwell would be thrilled.

Horace Boothroyd III said...

Wow! That is one heavy duty chicken farmer.

I guess Joe McCarthy was right to be so frightened of that one red dentist in the Defense Department: there was no telling what he might have been capable of, once he build up a head of lefty steam.

Cinesias said...

1. The Power of Nightmares is brilliant and I highly recommend people watch it. Anything by Adam Curtis is brilliant, now that I think about it.

2. I still smile knowing that fucking trashbag Breitbart is dead. If there is a hell, he is definitely there, which almost makes me wish I were religious.

Monster from the Id said...

"I still smile knowing...Breitbart is dead."

To the Dark Side such thinking leads. Care you should take. Sink to their level do you wish to?

Green Eagle said...

Don't forget- Heinrich Himmler was a chicken farmer too. Think about that- every time you eat chicken you are furthering another crazed plot to destroy humanity.

Anonymous said...

Hi Drifty
Huston is just the worst but the Chicago Tribune which I stopped paying for in 2000 continues to mainstream and normalize Huston's nonsense and hate. He banned me from his Tribune blog BTW. He is too stupid to debate.
Keep up the great work though. Wish I had more time to read and contribute. But I am in a similar boat that you are.

Cinesias said...


I'm glad all sorts of people are dead.

Breitbart is slightly less destructive as a human being now that he is no longer breathing. There are all sorts of people like that. Hitler and Stalin would be two easy examples that a large swath of the population might agree are better dead. Osama bin Laden would be one that literally brought cheers and smiles to likely hundreds of millions of Americans.