Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Rent Boi on Christmas*

As long as there is a nickle to be hustled out of any rube anywhere, Bill Kristol's



 Kill Bot

Always be with us.

* Even though it completely shitcans the entire scansion of the rhyme, while I was sleeping, referring to a whore as a "whore" has apparently become offensive some number of (probably imaginary) people who never heard of Jeff Gannon.

Management regrets the error.


bowtiejack said...

My God! What a moron the woman is.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think it's wise to refer to a prominent female pol - even one as repugnant as Sister Simpleton - as a whore?

Cinesias said...


War on Christmas.

Whore on Christmas.

Get it?

If it upsets you, I'd go ahead and burn your TV, radio, smartphone, and computer.

You might see someone calling Sarah Palin a stupid fucking cunt.

That'd be really unwise, right?!?

Anonymous said...


So it's okay to be sexist so long as it's against someone we don't like? Well, that is just great to know. I'll be sure to tell all those feminists out there who have taught me otherwise, over a period of years and years of being among them due to our shared interest in trying to fix this fucking country, that they're just wrong wrong wrongy wrong 'cuz Mr. Dudebro of All Dudebros n1ck says so!

Psst... hey fuckstick, when you leave, don't forget your goddamn fedora.

freq flag said...

Sarah's dress is sparkly.
It looks pretty.
Sean has a tie that is the same color as Sarah's sweater.

Sarah has a pretty mouth.
I love the sounds that come out of
Sarah's pretty mouth.

I love Jesus.
I love the way Sarah loves Jesus.

Soon December will be here.
December is a pretty month.

Have you ever seen starbursts in December? I have. They are pretty.

Anonymous said...

What a clueless woman! Wonder what Hannity says about Sarah when she is not around.

Anonymous said...


You are right on the thing about sexist terms.

Anonymous said...

I think DG is saying whore because she is out pimping a Christmas book. I think anyone who is a regular reader/ listener to DG would know that right away.
Talking about the war on Xmas and then just peddling the droppings that well up in the mind of a simpleton to the 'salt of the earth' I figure is worthy of that kind of language.

Monster from the Id said...

Damian and I agree on something.

Uh-oh, isn't that the fourth sign of Armageddon approaching? ;)

Anonymous said...

Calling Palin a whore is totally correct. First of all as mentioned, it is obviously a play on the term "war on x-mas". Very clever drifty. Also as mentioned, Palin IS clearly whoring out her lame, ghost written, so-called "book"..

Also the word whore is not entirely a sexist term. Did you know that there are male whores too; ever see that movie American Gigolo?

Sean Hannity is a whore. Is that sexist?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Aaronin,
I think "Whore on Christmas" is the whoring of the whole "War on Christmas" utter bullshit. It's all lies spun to make the pig-ignorant angry, and get them to buy useless books.

I think "whoredom" can be a non-sexist term, especially when it's exactly what someone is doing.


Anonymous said...

"Tip of the spear"?????



casimir said...

Um, Damian, you do know that "whore" is not just alienating one's body for money, that it is alienating any part of one's innate self-worth? That what Sarah Palin (and everyone else on the Right-wing grifter scene) does is the essential definition of "whoring" - and that this has nothing to do with a woman's private areas?

Anonymous said...


We've agreed before.

casimir et al,

Ask a feminist if that explanation washes. Chances are they'll tell you no. You can try to sidestep around it but using the word "whore" in relation to a woman has baggage that utterly annihilates any attempt at explaining it away.

The easy solution? Don't do it. Don't support it.

BlindRobin said...

Redefining the vernacular by ignoring common usage and context, not to mention that 'whore' is in fact a gender neutral term when referencing sexual prostitution as well as metaphorical prostitution, is not a feminist act/position but a reactionary response by people looking for things to be outraged about for no other reason than to be outraged. Either that or their skins or so thin as to be transparent.

Anonymous said...

Fine, I guess I'm stupid and wrong. Heaven forbid someone think of others for a moment when there's selfishness to be done.

Good riddancce to this place, to its author, to its diehards who give not one damn about anything other than their egos, and especially to the waste of my time that used to be in my podcasts.

I hope your wife realizes you're a bigot, DG, and leaves you. Perhaps, before you drop yourself off a bridge, you'll think of where it all went wrong.

marindenver said...

Mr. Glass I disagree with Mr. Pink No More's comment that your wife needs to see you as a bigot and leave you. One of the technical definitions of whoredom is a person who has compromised principles for personal gain. Clearly here the problem, though, is whether Sarah Failin ever had actual, you know, principles, to begin with. But assuming she may have one or two left (or that were present to begin with) her pushing of her fake books for monetary gain is a true display of whoreishness.

I appreciate that you changed the post title to address some of Pinkamena's concerns but, as a more or less card carrying feminist since I was in my 20's (and therefore 40+ years) I find nothing here to be offended about.

Honestly your recent postings about the horrendous problems of long term unemployment and the enormously sad and discouraging effects of this on millions of people has me much more wrought up and indeed sad to the core. I wish there was a solution and I need to do some thinking about how to help more.

Anonymous said...

Why is ex-pink Damian making fun of people who jump off bridges? Has he no concern for his fellow man/woman?

Cinesias said...

I'm going to go ahead and continue to think using the term whore is perfectly fine, especially since War and Whore almost rhyme and Palin is whoring herself out to sell a book.

She's all a stupid fucking cunt.

If you don't like those ugly, meanie-head words, do yourself a favor and log out of your life.

I hear Galt's Gulch has some openings.

Monster from the Id said...

The strutting arrogance of the Dudebros infuriated me so deeply that I voted Green in the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012, rather than vote for the darling of the Dudebros.

My dislike of Obama himself finished a distant second to my loathing of the Dudebros.

Congrats to the Dudebros. They played the primary role in turning this formerly Democratic-leaning independent into a true independent. I wonder how many other voters they've alienated--maybe enough to account for the Democratic setback in 2010?