Thursday, July 11, 2013
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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
I posted this already in the last thread but it hasn't shown up. I don't like trying to have a conversation when my points can be censored at your discretion. Again, I have provided a very clear academic presentation of the water dipole and the fact that it is a battery that naturally charges itself constantly from the sun and ambient energy.
Please watch and learn.
Ahh...the good old days when conspiracy theories about perpetual motion machines were idle musings for fiction fans....
and not the newest breathless revelation from the now massive and vocal tin foil hat army... are right Kal...I can feel it!
The metachlorians are coursing through my veins as well...soaking up all the ambient energy!!
The science is strong in this one Drift master!
....and I thought Skoal Bandit died in that fork accident...
So the mask falls off - our screaming Greenrube "friend" here is a woo-woo nut looking to push a product.
Free tip, spambot: You are allowed to post here at DG's discretion. This is the rule everywhere on the Internet - you post solely at the whim of the folks in charge of the site upon which you post. If you don't like it, you are free to get the fuck out and never, EVER return.
I suggest you take the hint.
Not one of the commenters has yet watched the presentation by Dr. Gerald Pollack, but they scream and scream. I would gladly respond to thoughtful criticism but the fear based responses so far are quite interesting. I'm not sure what "product" that I am supposed to be pushing, as I have nothing for sale. Sharing knowledge of the truth is its own reward. And though it be denied, it remains the truth.
I don't like trying to have a conversation when my points can be censored at your discretion.
Don't be so whiny. It is pretty easy to mess up the capchas and not realize, because the comment page refreshes and says your comment will be visible after owner approval, but if you scroll back down, it tells you you screwed up the 'don't be a robot' thing.
Besides, you have consistently tried to dictate the parameters of discussion here, and get dismissive when nobody wants to play your way; so you have little room to be bitchy. From experience, dg allows pretty much every comment he sees to come through...
Not one of the commenters has yet watched the presentation by Dr. Gerald Pollack, but they scream and scream.
Well, you're wrong on both counts. I watched the presentation (and I will thank you for that, it was pretty interesting) and I have been discussing your hobby horse, but from an oppsitional viewpoint, because again, there is no such thing as free power (I altered that term in light of Anonymous [and I wish he would pick a handle so he could be differentiated] yes, there is energy all around in the universe, and falling all over the planet. Once you try to capture and turn that power to use, however, the "Free" aspect of it goes away).
So I wonder if YOU watched the whole presentation? Because your understanding of it seems weak, at best, if you think it links to your previous link about how the 2nd law of thermodynamics has been proven wrong.
Not only does the presentation not even come CLOSE to doing such, but the Prof said that he demonstrated a single light bulb. I would like you to think back a few years to when a couple of other professors also claimed to have accomplished cold fusion.
Part of the essence of science is repeatability. Is there such? And after that, the next step is engineering, or accomplishing practical aims with proven science. I KNOW there is none of that. Is there ANY indication that this admittedly esoteric physics will ever provide usable power?
In any case, stop whining that other people aren't as smart as you, or don't follow your links, just because they don't fall down in wonder at your towering internet genius. Maybe stop taking your debating tips from Greenwald, and review dg's post about changing people's minds.
Even better, make yourself useful, move to Washington, and help Dr. Pollak move the theoretical part along so we can make practical use of this stuff.
Meanwhile, tell me about fluoridation....
Sharing knowledge of the truth is its own reward. And though it be denied, it remains the truth.
jeez, what are you, 19 years old? did you get that from some old Heinlein Young Adult novelette?
mahakal, go look up WHY your stupid shit is wrong. We are not wikifuckingpedia - YOU need to do the research. Start with places like scienceblogs.
By the way, I ran a quick search for your Holy Woo Lord - first page? His videos, followed by a link to JOSEPH FUCKING MERCOLA. To me, that's case fucking closed.
Get a fucking critical thought module installed or something. And stop this "OMG I HAEV TEH TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF!" shit - it's just more proof you're a woo-head.
My point has nothing to do with whether there is energy conservation in a closed system since free energy refers to the available sources of power in an open system. That debate is not worth having, since there is really no such thing as a closed system in the universe. So an unfalsifiable law is no law, and need not be regarded as relevant to the discussion.
Fluoride is bad for your pineal gland, but that's also not relevant.
What Dr. Pollack has proven is that water transduces energy as structure and dipole separation. Now I would point out there are far more and long known ways of demonstrating and releasing this energy than his, but most of them require some energy to be put into the system. It is possible once a system is producing energy that its output can then be connected to its input and continue producing energy, but this is subject to fluctuations and reliability problems, so it is best to use these sorts of things as power multipliers. Fortunately you can draw a source of current from the earth, and voltages are also available from the air to anyone, these can provide a sufficient input to produce substantial outputs in a well designed circuit. So free energy is accurate: apart from the knowledge and expense of constructing appropriate devices for harvesting and transforming it to usable form, it costs nothing to produce.
And yes, you can use voltage to breakdown water and produce a gas which is very interesting and powerful to run engines on if you like. You can also construct a torch that will melt anything, but not burn your hand if you pass it through quickly.
PP, it's not entirely woo- the more recent link that Free Energy Boy put up is to a research project where they actually did get a light bulb to light from water, but it was limited until they shined IR into it; in other words, once they dumped more energy into the system, a light bulb shined. But of course, that involved dumping more energy into the system than they got out, so it wasn't exactly a proof of concept....
Of course, the rest of his claptrap about Libertarian Principles and such are as much woo as the Water Engine. So don't feel like I am telling you to hold off on the mockery....
Here is the part of the Walter Lewin lecture that I meant to link, instead of the whole thing.
Also, Golf claps to driftglass for chiming in on the prior comments with such subtlety and elan.
PP, I really don't care about the political or other viewpoints of people who make a collection of technical works available. I recognize it for the resource that it is. I don't suggest going there for medical advice.
but most of them require some energy to be put into the system. It is possible once a system is producing energy that its output can then be connected to its input and continue producing energy, but this is subject to fluctuations and reliability problems
If only you realized that this is pretty much a description of every perpetual motion scam ever perpetrated.
Wrapping irrational beliefs in a thesaurus and walls of weasel words is no way to go through life, son.
At least you did recognize that the Professor's lightbulb demonstration required the addition of energy. Saying that there's no such thing as a closed system doesn't excuse it. There certainly ARE closed systems: they're called engines.
personally, I'd suggest you put your shovel down and go back to being a condescending GreenWaldo.
I really don't care about the political or other viewpoints of people who make a collection of technical works available.
It's not the political viewpoint, it's his gullibility. I wouldn't go to an engineer who believes in the tooth fairy, either.
The only irrational beliefs being expressed here are those rejecting the facts of free energy without consideration or recognition that, again as an example which this post relates to, like the water dipole can provide more energy out than put in (by us). Of course the water dipole takes an energy input from somewhere, the ambient environment. You do not need to hook up an infrared light bulb to power it, that was simply to demonstrate and prove that the dipole absorbed and transformed it into structure and usable power. The sun works fine, and even ambient radiation is constantly, endlessly providing it with a source. This energy can then be extracted and used, and you can do a lot more than light a bulb, you can power an engine of any size with a water fuel cell of the right size.
As for engines being "closed systems" that is only a mathematical model, it isn't reality. No closed system exists nor can be created in this open universe, even a near perfect vacuum is full of unexcludable energy. So I'll stop here because the reality denial field is too strong.
You do not need to hook up an infrared light bulb to power it, that was simply to demonstrate and prove that the dipole absorbed and transformed it into structure and usable power.
Wow. You really don't realize that "adding IR energy to transform into usable power" actually invalidates the idea that this magical water engine doesn't work in a useful way?
mathematically, there may be an indication that this rig does "put out more energy than you put in" but show me where someone has used it in a practical way.
The prof doesn't even claim that he was able to do that.
Your insistence that there IS actually a free lunch is consistent, at least, with your belief that Greenwald is a saint and that Libertarians are something other than Repbulicans who are embarassed to be associated with them.
You keep insisting that nobody has the intelligence to understand these esoteric issues, but the reality is that we understand, all too well.
I am, however, pleased that you have decided to take my advice and stop digging.
Hee hee. "Facts of Free energy" that still tickles me though. However, I am going to admit my belief in One form of Free Energy.
However, I think I have traced your mistake, back to a misunderstanding of what physicists mean by Free energy. You're welcome.
Keep looking for that brain cell, ZRM. Maybe you'll find it.
Not in one of your comments.
For the benefit of other readers that have not yet watched the first video provided, the good professor isolated water in a dark and shielded environment and then introduced an infrared laser source to demonstrate the growth of the EZ-water liquid crystalline structure. He was not doing that experiment to produce useful energy, but to demonstrate the ability of water to absorb said energy as structure and dipole separation. When water is ordinarily exposed to sunlight and not shielded from ordinary heat sources it will provide energy for things like photosynthesis. Free fucking energy, free lunch for the world, or you wouldn't be alive at all. Furthermore, the demonstration of the Kelvin water dropper by Dr. Lewin that I also provided above shows simple production of tens of kilovolts with a simple classroom apparatus of a couple buckets, a couple cans and some wires. This is of course no limit as water has a very high capacity. Such energies can be usefully collected with a Tesla coil and capacitor for instance. And that does not begin to show the ability of water to provide energy through voltage induced cavitation. Zombies that only eat brains are not going to help you understand anything.
This is of course no limit as water has a very high capacity. Such energies can be usefully collected with a Tesla coil and capacitor for instance
For those of you who understand actual physics, nothing that Fluoridation boy has linked to provides support for either of these statements.
Also, the experiment that included the IR source. THE DOCTOR HIMSELF states that in order to get the bulb to do more than flicker, they had to add energy to the system.
Nothing showing a system that generated energy without an input was shown, or more than postulated.
In fact, searching for any demonstrations any where mainly links to a bunch of faked YouTube videos.
The idea that this is some kind of usable energy system isn't even close to being demonstrated. Is so, perhaps our Libertarian friend can link to peer-reviewed papers or research on energy production, rather than a side effect of a different experiment entirely, which is what he's linked to so far.
But go ahead, continue, governor. Your insistence that a pile of woo is some kind of magical solution to energy problems is certainly bolstering your believability on everything else you say.
although calling me stupid over and over is certainly the mark of a master class debater.
Free fucking energy, free lunch for the world, or you wouldn't be alive at all.
the energy that the sun has provided to the world is not the issue at all. No one actually disputes that, except some of the more idiotic creationists.
it's the point at which you try to make effective use of that energy where the lunch no longer becomes free.
Capturing that energy is certainly possible; I've mentioned a few ways to do so in prior comments that you completely ignored.
I'd suggest readers view the provided videos for themselves rather than relying upon ZRM's inaccuracy. There is no point in debating. ZRM is factually wrong.
23 comments in, this "I don't like trying to have a conversation when my points can be censored at your discretion" just get funnier and funnier.
I would also suggest readers view the videos, because they don't say what mahakal says they do.
I would also suggest readers go back to the first link Mahakal posted, the one that kicked this whole discussion off, the one that says that solar panels have disproven the second law of thermodaynamics.
Also, the comment wherein mahakal says that nature ignores the Second Law, since the laws of thermodynamics are human-made.
the videso do not, in fact, prove me wrongs as I am not the one making the assertion that water is a source of cost-free power. I am merely saying that the links provided to date show no such thing.
For amusement, readers may also search Youtube for "free energy" and be treated to faked video after faked video of gimmicked up electrical gadgets. some of them are quite cute.
23 comments in, this "I don't like trying to have a conversation when my points can be censored at your discretion"
yes, please do not censor his points. They are hilarious and provide me much relief on this weekend when I am wrestling with a leaking toilet.
So, I will say this much about mahakal; he's more fun than a leaking toilet.
Mahakal, for the love of Haruhi, PLEASE DROP THIS.
Well, driftglass, my comment on the previous thread showed up eventually. So you did approve it, but only after many other comments that followed it, and after the comment was made on this thread. So be amused with yourself. And Hamfest, I will drop it because I have no time to waste on people who want to maintain a state of denial.
And Hamfest, I will drop it because I have no time to waste on people who want to maintain a state of denial.
What about the rest of the people on this blog? Presumably they are not as lost to reason as I am.
Perhaps if you posted ONE MORE LINK....
What I have come to know about driftglass is that he has a curmudgeon's sense of humor. So I would guess that far from deriving humor by shitcanning one of your comments, mahakal, he is much more amused by letting you and I argue.
So, I agree that we should let the magic energy source thing go for a while. We can wait until one of these youtube wizards posts another faked demonstration.
Why don't we talk about how vaccination causes autism? After all, a TV CELEBRITY says so!
Oh, vaccination causes autism?
Here I thought it was a virus spread among us by the Lizard Aliens to soften us up for the eventual invasion, only it failed because it didn't affect enough of us. -_^
well, right Hamfast.
Except we zombie couldn't allow that, because we need to make sure everyone is tasty for the zompacalypse, so we asked the lizardoids to kindly pound sand and attack the Mars colony.
I can never find the sarcasm emoticon. Is that one you used the sarcasm emoticon?
What if Jenny McCarthy is a Lizardoid? Then all bets are off.
ZRM, the emoticon I used is simply meant to be a wink.
I meant simply to express facetiousness, though I suppose you could call it sarcasm as well.
BTW, Jenny Mac is a Durlan shapeshifter. -_^
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