Sunday, March 17, 2013

10 Years Ago: War as the Best Fucking Reality Teevee Show Evah

As reported by Fox News (as found on Bill Moyers' "NOW" since original video seems to have disappeared down the Memory Hole):
MOYERS: Meanwhile, Fox is putting former marine officer and convicted felon Oliver North on the air as a reporter in Iraq.
NORTH: There has never been a campaign like this in world history. Does Fox rock?

SOLDIER 1: Fox rocks.

NORTH: Does Fox rock?

SOLDIER 2: Yes,sir.

NORTH: Say that.

SOLDIER 2: Fox rocks.
Once again, history becomes mere snips of parchment 
In the Golem’s pie-hole,

According to legend, the Golem was a mindless lump of clay that could be animated and sent stomping into the world by:
"...writing a specific incantation in the owner's blood on calfskin parchment, and placing it in the mouth. Removing the parchment will deactivate the golem."


Cirze said...

And this would be the collective USA's last lifeblood?

Thanks, buddy.

Good one.


in the owner's blood

proverbialleadballoon said...

I laughed. Good one, driftglass.

Anonymous said...

problem is, the word that animated the golem was emeth, (TRUTH)karl rove and dick cheney ever got THAT close to the truth, fuckers would burst into flame...

eddie blake said...

(that comment was from me)