Sunday, November 04, 2012

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

On cold winter nights, David Gregory warms himself by rubbing tweets like these together

and burning piles of grubby, working-class, low-denomination money.

Because our Beltway Pharisees really do believe that because both sides loathe the Fake Centrist bilge they shovel (Conservatives, because to them anything short of full, shoutycracker endorsement of their every talking point is treason; Liberals because to achieve a Centrigasm, slags like Gregory routinely invent fake Liberal sins to counterweight real Conservative atrocities) the must be doing a bang-up job.

Then, every two weeks, they look at the number of places to the left of the decimal on their paycheck, and their biases are resoundingly confirmed.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Because our Beltway Pharisees really do believe that because both sides loathe the Fake Centrist bilge they shovel...

Did somebody say Glenn Kessler?

jomike said...

Y'all catch the pundit predictions on Snuffleupagous this morning? George Will had Romney getting 321 EVs (including Minnesota!) Matthew Dowd predicted a slim popular vote majority, but wouldn't offer an EV estimate. I dunno which is funnier, utter delusion or complete nutlessness.

blackdaug said...

When will George Will be "retired" or "sanctioned" or whatever it is they do with babbling gop fops?
Don't they have a farm for them in upstate New York?
...and if those wing nuts aren't watching MTP, does that mean the sound of a continuous cavalcade of lieing Republicans is making them puke as well?..and if so..who the hell is watching that steaming pile?

Athenawise said...

Maybe Will can have a second career as an eyeglasses model. But only if he keeps his mouth shut.

P J said...

Playing the refs never gets old for the whack jobs on the radical right.

Batocchio said...

As vacuumslayer says, it's always projection.

Batocchio said...

As vacuumslayer says, it's always projection.