Sunday, August 19, 2012

For Your Friends Who Never Read Ayn Rand

Try explaining to them that claiming to be a huge fan of "Atlas Shrugged" while at the same time swearing that you had no inkling about Ayn Rand's philosophy is exactly the same as  claiming to be a huge fan of the 1990s Chicago Bulls while at the same time swearing that you've never heard of Michael Jordan.

Yes, it is that big a lie.  That stupid.  That ludicrous on its face and that easily debunked.  

And like all of the Ryan/Romney ticket's other colossal lies -- like all of those decades of accumulated Republican lies on top of which these new lies have been heaped -- it will be completely discounted and ignored by the Republican Base (who, in their giddy willingness to blot out all inconvenient realities and fervently believe the most asinine bullshit, really have reduced themselves to the level of Orwellian cartoons) and will be reported by the GOP's Centrist enablers in the mainstream medias as one more Left/Right "controversy" because something something something Joe Biden.

As I have said many times before, to update Mr. Lincoln, we cannot endure permanently half-Fox and half-free. 

We will become all one thing, or all the other.  


Nathan B.-Dallas,tx said...

I listened to Atlas Shrugged about 6 months ago. I found myself getting into the story, but anyone who pays even a little attention can see the broad brush she uses to paint nice or even simply friendly people with. If a person showed any heart or desire to do good, at least what any average person might consider a favor; she completely tears them down. Rand uses a moral argument that was so foreign to me, I couldn't believe it. She flips what I know to be right on its head. Then throws what obviously is her twisted sexual desires with this moral code into it all. But as the book went on the direct link to the republican party is clear, I couldn't believe that I had stumbled on the rights true HOLY book. Like the Bible in my opinion, long and full of a lot of Bullshit.

Nathan B- Dallas, TX.

caliban said...

Actually, it's as big a lie as claiming Jordan didn't foul Craig Hodges.