Monday, July 09, 2012

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says: Another Jonathan Krohn Edition

Jonathan Krohn is the young man who, at the age of 13, gained fame and fortune as a Wingnut Wunderkind and who now, at the age of 17, has declared that he is not a Conservative.

Simple, right?

Not. A. Conservative.

Except that, as I reported last week, for Conservative Apostate Mr. Andrew Sullivan it is not that simple because he cannot permit it to be that simple. Because -- like so many Conservatives, both Apostate and Doctrinaire -- his brain is no longer capable of processing information that is contrary to his ideology.

So, as I reported last week,  when Jonathan Krohn stated very clearly that he was  Not. A. Conservative., this is what Mr. Sullivan heard (emphasis added):
"...former 13-year-old CPAC star, Jonathan Krohn, revealing that he is, in fact, a conservative..."
And today?

Well today Jonathan Krohn said this (emphasis added):
Politico released an interview in which I announced I wasn't a conservative anymore — and the proverbial crap hit the fan.
Which was promptly characterized by Mr. Sullivan as follows:
"Jonathan Krohn, a former 'right-wing child star' who became more moderate..."
Poor Jonathan Krohn.

Apparently he is so confused about his identity -- about these strange, new feelings he is experiencing -- and so incapable of accepting that he IS, IS, fucking well IS a Conservative that (strictly for his own good, mind you!) no matter how many times he may try to kick down the door of Mr. Sullivan's "No-Means-Yes" Conservative Closet, he will obviously need to stay nailed up in there until he straightens out, changes his mind and sees things the Andrew Sullivan's Way!


Commentor slag at "Balloon Juice" suggests that perhaps Jonathan Krohn is in need of some reparative therapy to get his "real" conservatism back.

Perhaps Mr. Sullivan can offer to help him pray all those non-Andrew-Sullivan-approved feelings away?


Tengrain said...

Drifty -

My quote of the morning is from the young sprout himself , and it is the perfect SNAP!



chrome agnomen said...

andy should get krohn's disease. part of sully's problem is that he can't come out of the closet himself. guess krohn's brain hadn't been hard-wired well enough.

Anonymous said...

In Sullivan's defense (G~d, it makes me feel icky to say that), perhaps Krohn really does see himself going from conservative to moderate centrist. I seem to recall that he did say he is not a liberal when on "The Last Word".

Also, I have this nagging feeling... When I saw his speech from years ago, I was really struck by how formulaic it was. I can't help but wondering if he played the conservatives, but then saw them as monsters. I wonder if he sees centrism as a safer gig, and is hoping to be a DFB acolyte.
