Saturday, May 12, 2012

Elmer Gentry

Greasing the God Squad at Falwell U.

(Home of the Phightin' Pharisees!)

Or, as Anne Laurie phrases it at Balloon Juice:
...extremely pander-iffic...and packed full of name-checks targeted for the audience: Chik-Fil-A founder Truett Cathy, Tea Party shill Dick Armey, “Dr. Falwell” (“deserves the tribute he would have treasured most, as a cheerful, confident champion for Christ”), Rick Santorum, Martin Luther King Jr. (no “Doctor” for that guy), Chuck Colson, yadda yadda yadda. Less waving the bloody shirt, more nursing the tiny paper-cuts of professional christianist victimhood.


John said...

"I am the way and the truth and the grifter's dream come true."

Between the lines John14: 6/7

John Puma

Anonymous said...

"nursing the tiny paper-cuts of professional christianist victimhood"

That phrase is 110% awesomeness.

The culture of victimhood for the fundies really took hold in the 90's, whey public polling found that the dominant public belief was that the gay community was the victim of bullying from the religious right, which gave the public a more positive view. So, enter marketing, and the religious right became the victim of gay bullies, in an attempt to sway public favor.
