Wednesday, February 01, 2012

David Frum Speaks


In "Who Wrecked Obama's Post-Partisanship?", former Bush-speechwriter David Frum states the following as fact:
The troubles faced by President Obama are not very different from the troubles faced by the presidents before him. Yet with each successive presidency these similar problems become more extreme in nature. Focusing on the particular personality of a particular president will miss the point—as we'll see again in obverse at whatever time the next president takes office.
Except there is no Liberal Hate Radio.

There is no Liberal Fox News.

There is no Liberal Regnery Press.

There is no Liberal wingnut welfare system that makes sure that its writers get paid.

There is no Liberal Grover Norquist.

There were no years and years of sham hearings and kneecapping special prosecutors used to grind the Bush Administration to a halt.

And despite richly deserving it, George W. Bush was never impeached.

I could go on for hours, but really, why bother?

Mr. Frum already knows all this, just as Mr. Frum also knows that is doesn't matter because Mr. Frum is not in the "truth" businesses. He is in the "telling politically comforting Conservative lies" business.

And business is good.

Business is always good.


blogenfreude said...

You'd think after getting kicked to the curb that Frum would go back to Toronto and spend his money.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Speaking of conservative writers who get paid, the disgusting fat sack of slimy chicken hawk shit Jonah Goldberg, ran with his Liberals are fascists, as explained through his Alternate Conservative reality prism, because President Obama is using the military whereas Jonah warmongering and support of W's unmitigated war crimes was godly and righteous because! Because!

Jack said...

That might be the best photoshop ever. And the Cheney-sun is the perfect finishing touch.