Wednesday, January 04, 2012

John Kenyan of Mars

From Wired Magazine via Balloon Juice:

White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars 
By Spencer Ackerman Email Author January 3, 2012 | 3:00 pm
Forget Kenya. Never mind the secret madrassas. The sinister, shocking truth about Barack Obama’s past lies not in east Africa, but in outer space. As a young man in the early 1980s, Obama was part of a secret CIA project to explore Mars. The future president teleported there, along with the future head of Darpa.

That’s the assertion, at least, of a pair of self-proclaimed time-traveling, universe-exploring government agents. Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillings insist that they once served as “chrononauts” at Darpa’s behest, traversing the boundaries of time and space. They swear: A youthful Barack Obama was one of them.

Perhaps this all sounds fantastical, absurd, and more than a little nuts. We couldn’t agree more. That’s one of the reasons we love conspiracy theories — the more awesomely insane, the better. Each week during 2012, when the Mayans tell us to expect the apocalypse, Danger Room will peel back a new layer of crazy to expose those oh-so-cleverly hidden machinations powering this doomed plane of existence. Welcome — back — to Tinfoil Tuesday.

According to Basiago and Stillings, Obama isn’t just lying about his identity. He’s lying about his military service record, too. While his political opponents in 2008 attacked him for never serving, in truth, he was concealing his participation in a hidden CIA intergalactic program hosted at a California community college in 1980.

Officially, the White House says Obama never went to Mars. 


That's just what "they" would say isn't it?


Anonymous said...

What is that book? I sure remember the cover. Now it just reminds me of the Southpark "Bakshi" episode..

I would be some of your recent posters would go along with the Obama / Mars idea. They would just claim he was born there..

driftglass said...

It is from either "A Princess of Mars" or "The Gods of Mars", by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

The artist is the splendid Frank Frazetta.

Rev.Paperboy said...

if only...

jim said...

The WV says it all:

When will Obama release his long-form Martian passport?

Blotz said...

Driftglass beat me to it, but yeah thats a classic frazzetta cover for a Jon Carter story... can't remember which.