Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ramesh Ponnuru's Wingnut Purity Creds -- UPDATE II

Tracking the prediction I made here: "Ramesh Ponnuru's Wingnut Purity Creds to Expire"

Step One: Has moved from "In Progress" to "Completed":
Andrew Sullivan:
"An Intellectual And Political Dead End"

Ramesh Ponnuru chides the GOP for indulging in reverse class warfare, pitting the 53 percent against the 47 percent of Americans who don't pay federal income taxes. He debunks the "freeloader myth".
Frum Forum:
Signs of Hope, Part 3
Continuing on the theme of identifying conservative intellectuals who are making arguments that show hope for the future of the movement, I’d like to turn the spotlight onto two recent pieces from Ramesh Ponnuru.
Step Two: Remains "In Progress"

Step Three: Remains "In Progress"
"For years, when liberals would accuse conservatives..."

"That last point is one that liberals typically make when..."

"The other thing liberals typically say is..."

"...a kind of mirror image of egalitarian liberalism."
Because as you know, "Liberals" are a monolith who all "typically" think, speak and act in exactly the same way. And who knows them better than this odd little creature who has spent much of his professional career as a tinier, more highly-pitched "me too" sort of wingnut? An excitable political teacup poodle that you could imaging a hagged out, Hellmouth like Ann Coulter dragging around in her purse to mid-scale bars for the amusement of her friends -- something that lives most of its life tucked down among Conservatism's petrified Kleenex, urinal-cake-sized blocks of speed and ancient condoms that have long since oxidized to eraser crumbs like a space shuttle O-ring in the dead of winter.

Step Four: Unknown but likely is now "In Progress"

Step Five: Is now definitely "In Progress". From "US News and World Report".
Ramesh Ponnuru has a brave and well-considered piece in the current print edition of National Review that demolishes what he calls the "Freeloader Myth."

bark bark

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