Thursday, September 29, 2011



...and now this...

...and this (From TPM):
“We are an embarrassment (in Illinois),” [Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL)] said Tuesday night at a Tea Party rally, according to The Daily Herald. “We are the last state standing when it comes to concealed carry. There’s no issue when it comes to freedom that matters like this, like the Second Amendment. The most important amendment in that Bill of Rights is the Second Amendment. It protects every other amendment. It is the last line of defense between us and our government.”

What changed?

Well, over the course of several decades minorities, uppity women and gays decided that they didn't want to be treated as chattel, or invisible or cultural punching bags anymore, and started using the tools provided by America's founders to change things.

A black guy from Chicago was elected President by a large margin.

And right wing billionaires and global trans-nation corporations put their collective plutocratic foot straight up Red Forman's ass, broke it off, turned his Middle Class into a dung heap and sold his America into debt bondage piece by piece.

Take a wild guess which of these groups Red loathes with all his heart and blames for his every ache and pain.

And guess which ones he worships.


Jack said...

LOL! You found the video you mentioned in the podcast a couple weeks ago.


RockDots said...

Absolutely: "Kick down, kiss up."