Monday, July 18, 2011

Words Cannot Adequately Express

how much I am looking forward to the upcoming round of GOP ADD Twister for all the wrong reasons.

Why not since Rod and Todd Flanders' crushed Lisa and Bart Simpson in "Bible Bombardment":
For one gold star, what Persian king exempted the Levites from taxation?



From the political blog at the Network Which Shall Not Be Named:

GOP Presidential Candidates to Debate in the ‘Twitter-Sphere’

by Jason Donner | July 15, 2011

Republican presidential candidates are preparing for another debate, but this one’s a little different. It will be held via Twitter on Wednesday July 20, in what organizers are calling the “First Presidential Debate on Twitter.”

The 90-minute debate will be hosted by a group called ‘TheTeaParty.Net.’ Organizers confirm Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter will participate.

Organizers say they are hoping for a very fluid and conversational debate.

“The succinct nature of twitter will force the candidates to provide clear direct answers and the public will see who is providing those answers and the public will see who is just playing politics and providing non-answers,” says ‘’ Coordinator Kellen Giuda.
Word has it, Michele Bachmann has already loaded a dozen nonsense phrases like "common sense freedom-based Conservative solutions", "Obamacare will destroy America" and "Constitutional originalist" into her laptop's function keys exactly as they've long been spring-loaded in her amygdala.

Meanwhile, unnamed inside sources indicate that Sarah Palin will be shouting at the teevee and playing her home version of Teabagger Bumpersticker Bombardment ("I'd like to spin the wheel, Jebus!"), while Mitt Romney plans to sit this one out and wait for the Double Jeopardy round.

When the stakes can really go up.


Anonymous said...

"common sense freedom-based Conservative solutions"

With a handful of my friends and family, I routinely use the phrase "Freedom Constitution Jesus" as a reference to this kind of word salad (or "wing-nut jazz" as a couple of brilliant podcasters put it), and for a split second I thought I was going to read that here.

I was also thinking as reading, how do we know the candidates are actually doing the typing? Are they on camera? How do we know it's not some intern throwing darts at a "Freedom Constitution Jesus" word board?


Anonymous said...

Word has it, Michele Bachmann has already loaded a dozen nonsense phrases like "common sense freedom-based Conservative solutions", "Obamacare will destroy America" and "Constitutional originalist" into her laptop's function keys exactly as they've long been spring-loaded in her amygdala.

THAT is why I visit every day...sometimes twice. You rock, DG!