Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Not With a Bang. Or a Whimper.

But with the petulant Dunning-Kruger whiiiine of Koch-bred, Rush-fed homunculi running finally and fatally amok.

In case future historians are confused, we weren't laughing because they were funny: we were laughing because of something we called the "gallows humor" of it all.

We were laughing because the technology necessary to shoot these fuckers and their Centrist enablers into the Sun was not yet widely available.


Anonymous said...

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

We're all paying for the carefully-cultivated King Stupid of vast swathes of this country.

RockDots said...

Haha, hilarious photoshop Mister Glass!

mahakal said...

Krugman is channeling you again, driftglass.