Friday, April 29, 2011

Professional Left Podcast #71

"One had the right to write because other people needed news of the inner world, and if they went too long without such news they would go mad with the chaos of their lives."

-- Arthur Miller

Links for this episode:
  1. Blue Gal puts the boot in on David Effing Brooks.
  2. Lawrence O'Donnell throws Orly Taitz off his show (h/t Heather).

Outside of a dog, a Professional Left button is man's best friend.

Inside of a dog it's too dark to read (sorry, Groucho .)

You know you want it, so why not toddle on down to Blue Gal's Cafepress Store (and keep listening later in the year for an opportunity to win one). Also too, the Podcast Donate Button Button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic at the ProLeft website and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget, our archives are available for free with no downloads at Professional Left.


Tweez said...


I love BlueGal and your weekly podcast spectacular and I listen every week without fail. As usual, I loved the show this week, but one thing sort of stuck out and bothered me a little bit.

Your repeated use of the word "coward" describing Republican apologists in this podcast is accurate and appropriate. Trouble is, we're all cowards sometimes and unless one is a paragon of courage oneself, calling others "cowards" leaves us open to criticism of being called cowardly ourselves. Courage / cowardice is a particularly fragile glass house in which to throw stones. For instance, both of us hide behind anonymity and pseudonyms when writing online. Does this make us cowards? Hardly. But we're not showing Light Brigade levels of courage either. It just made me cringe a little inside hearing that. I kind of feel that unless you're a police / fire / military / public activist who demonstrates real, visible courage daily, you can't just go around calling people cowards.

Just sayin' is all.

Keep up the good work and I hope I did not offend!

Mister Roboto said...

A minor bone of contention: I don't think the right hates this country as a geopolitical enttity. In fact, they often take their nationalism to weirdly fetishistic levels. But they most certainly do harbor a seething loathing of the working class and tirelessly endeavor towards its total subjugation.

Just today I deleted the one Tea Partier on my Facebook "Friends" list. Everything you've been saying about that crowd is just right on the fucking money, let me tell you.