Thursday, February 03, 2011

Fozzie Mubearak Knows What's Best

And has 30-years of check stubs and Sweetest Day Cards from U.S. Presidents to prove it.


knowdoubt said...

Well, now that the relationship has "suddenly" gone South - B.O. has decided who could possibly be a better replacement dictator than the regime's former architect of torture and newly appointed Vice President. It's a "No Brainer" since we don't do "it" anymore somebody has to, Right?

jim said...

Poor Fozzie - always saddled with such total crapola for comic material.

Since the kerfuffle in Cairo is all about teh freedumb, naturally Egypt will soon proclaim Sarah "Now Watch This Headshot" Palin as their new Empress Nefertitty in a liberty-lovers' landslide, & replace that pug-nosed dame's face on the Sphinx with her own ... & the answer to its timeless riddle is of course: "in what respect, Charlie?"

Matt Platte said...

I have neither the time nor the talent to draw parallels between those two crazy African dudes: Mubarak and Mugabe.