Monday, December 06, 2010

None of this is New

None of this is unexpected.

We fight this same machine-with-human-features, over and over and over again.

This time it calls itself "The Republican Party", "The Conservative Movement" or simply "The Right.

Next time, it will call itself something else.


Anonymous said...

Just love Serling's lurid prose.

Cirze said...

What is new, of course, is the discovery of the "Shiny Toys" that would make people not care.

Or even think about the past.

Love ya,


Kathy said...

Well, in the past Religion worked as a very shiny toy, and the people were hungry most of the time, so they couldn't really focus on the root causes of their misery.

Retired Patriot said...

"Logic is an enemy and truth a menace..."

Boy, does this describe our nation today. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Thanks Drifty for showcasing this clip!