Thursday, September 02, 2010

Blogger Asserts

That we actually have enough money to pay for stuff.

1 comment:

Rehctaw said...

Damn straight! We've slipped seriously beyond guns or butter? into CRACK or Hookers? territory.

When my kid "borrows" $20 on Monday and asks for another $20 on Tuesday, I'm gonna ask him where the fuck he spent the first $20. Unless he bought a fucking guinea pig, I'm gonna be reluctant to fork over another $20. And even then unless there's a fucking PURPOSE to it, he's outta luck.

What do we have? Aggregate 2010 outlays nudging a fucktillion dollars? (fed,state,local,bridge trolls) And a GAO who can only shrug and say it was a fuckload of money... GONE? Where is the phugginay in this equation?

Twenty dollars; same as in town.
How did it get to be $1,000,000 in town rates?