Tuesday, August 31, 2010

As Summer Winds Itself Down

It seemed like a good time to try out a new aesthetic for awhile.


mbarnato said...

Brilliant. You can sit back, relax, and let the $$$ roll in. No writers to pay, no real work to do... Just write a piece every now & then to keep the name alive and your face (well...) in front of readers. Why, you could probably go yachting with Newtie & Co., too!

Deborah Newell said...

But wait...where are the celebrity nip-slip photos? And the awful Girlfriend's Guide posts about a rich Malibu divorceƩ's difficult decisions re: which SUV to buy her sixteen-year-old? And waitaminute, I don't see any anti-vaccine crap or meditation-will-save-the-economy woo.

Otherwise, I fucking love it, DG. ;-)

(My word verification is DING. Ha!)