Sunday, March 14, 2010

As The Project Enters Its Third Year...

We join our process synergeering meeting at the moment it begins leveraging LEAN, Six Smegma thinking and rapid prototyping pedagogues to bend the excellence curve in the direction of awesome that the focus groups told them would increase the stopping experience eyeballage by seventy quatloos.

Or something.

Three things I know to be true.

First, this is -- with few exceptions -- Every. God. Damned. Brainstorming. Meeting. I have ever been in.

Second, the proportions here correctly reflect the Real World: three, chipper, vacuous chipmunks spewing meaningless word-trinkets, and one guy with a note pad and a good idea.

Three, after the project goes "Boom!", it ain't the fucking chipmunks who are going to be thrown under the bus.

(h/t Miss Cellania for this wonderful find.)


Unknown said...

There are those who make the work and those who do the work.

Laughing through my tears.

Tengrain said...

You have no idea how close to home that hits for me and every (for profit) graphics project I have ever worked on.

I'm working on a grant project for a local non-profit right now, and it is the same exact scenario. I thought I would escape it, somehow, when doing work for a bunch of do-gooders.



Myrtle June said...

Oh jeeeeze. Total flashback. Same thing with web and app design at my ex-job. The technical term is actually "crazymaking". WTF factor infinity.