Thursday, February 11, 2010

15 Years Ago...

...and it was all there.
  • McSame and Blitzer.
  • Gingrich and Buchanan.
  • Panetta and Stephanopoulos.
  • Republicans filibustering everything in sight and paying no price for it.
  • Republicans ruthlessly smashing health care reform to bits and riding its corpse to victory.
  • The Washington media shaping the story to fit their pre-fab "The Democratic President is too Liberal" frame.
  • Demands that Democrats need to "move to the Center".
  • More deregulation please!
  • Tax Cuts Uber Alles.
  • Words by the Republican Party/ Music by Hate Radio, and they hadn't even gone Full Tilt Impeachment Boogie yet.

15 years later, and the same people are peddling the same swill.

You want to get rid of these parasites? Force them to face their past. Force them talk about it. Demand that they explain it. Make them own it. Make them Suck. On. It.

Until they choke.

There is no other way.


Habitat Vic said...

Who is going to force the Republicans to own up to their past fuck-ups?

The media? Not likely.

Obama (listening to the advice of Rahm, Axelrod, Jarrett)? Hopefully, but I'm not so sure.

I fear that the White House is remembering the wrong portions of Clinton's tenure. That moving to the "center" (policy-wise) is the way to go. DLC, Part II. Except Obama is following a Bush that cut taxes and REALLY screwed up the economy. The US is in far worse shape in 2010 than 1994.

Sadly, I agree that Obama is overlooking what is in store for him if Repubs get back one of the Congressional chambers. If they get the House (2010, 2012 or 2014) they will start investigations and look to impeach. Bet on it. They'll spend $100M on fishing expeditions: Blagojovich, community projects in the 90s, his time as state senator, whatever they can find. Remember all the crap before they found Monica? Whitewater, Jennifer Flowers, Lincoln bedroom, Bhuddist contributions, Christmas cards lists, Vince Foster, Travelgate, etc, etc.

And if Republicans take (only) the Senate? I picture a newly minted Republican by the name of Lieberman preening for the cameras and leading a "bipartisan' investigation of Obama.

In addition to generally not liking that I'm getting old, it really sucks to see history repeating itself.

lostnacfgop said...

You know things are pretty bad when, after watching that kind of montage, you find yourself thinking, wow, that Bob Dole sounds pretty reasonable . . . . As for the rest of 'em it's about as cerebral as watching "Gilligan's Island" episodes over and over and over again.

Serving Patriot said...

Absolutely right on Drifty. This clip should be on constant replay all across the country.

It's not a lost decade.... it has been a lost generation.

Imagine if all the energy spent by these partisans had been put to use making things better for our citizens, rather than simply standing in the way....


Cirze said...

Maybe in an intelligent milieu.

A grownup country.

With an educated populace like we had here prior to the rightwing Raygun Revolution con artistry.

They worked hard to bring us (U.S.) this low (particularly in their programs to increase the ability of media companies to conglomerate and to deregulate financial institutions), and they certainly will not stop short of indictments and trials.

Thanks, Dg.

If only they listened to voices like yours.

And echoing SP: if they had spent the time serving the country instead of themselves - something that around 40% of the voters seem to admire and wish they could also be a part of: politically known as fascism.

Imagine if all the energy spent by these partisans had been put to use making things better for our citizens, rather than simply standing in the way....


There is no other way.

Hef said...

My recent reading included washington politics during WWII and now I'm reading Tuchman's portrait of the world 1890-1914. The consistent thread throughout this small slice of history is the relentless oppression the right wing monied interests inflict on the rest of us. To paraphrase, the ruling class see themselves as the booted, spurred horsemen riding the bridled, obedient masses. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

But, Sara Palin gives David Broder his morning death erection. How can the Village deride the GOP after all they've given them?

Gay Veteran said...

We didn't get here just because of the ReThugs. The Democrats have been selling out the middle class and working poor since at least Clinton ("free" trade anyone?)

Larue said...

Hef, the story is as old as written or chronicled history.

They who have the gold . . . rule.

And sadly, hardly ever for the benefit of the masses.

Drifty on fire, still, yet, again. Always.