Friday, January 22, 2010

Supreme Court Unveils iNeda v2.0

Why do Conservatives support Special Rights for imaginary robots?

Oh yeah; because it makes it easier to destroy America.

From digby:

...The Republicans can do the corporations' bidding without constraints. Why should they bother with Democrats if they can just buy themselves a seat for a true believer? Much easier --- transaction-wise.

And of course, as imaginary non-human malefactors of great wealth everywhere celebrate
this quantum leap in special rights for imaginary non-human malefactors of great wealth, their well-paid lackeys:

Fox News' opinion shows strangely mum on the Citizens United ruling

David and I scanned through Fox News last night and surprisingly, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren didn't mention the very controversial and pro-corporatist Citizens Untied ruling by the Supreme court. Not a word. It reminds me of how they pretty much ignored the Haiti earthquake...
obediently shut the fuck up and look the other way.

Until non-human malefactor of great wealth Rupert Murdoch decides exactly what their opinions should be.

Get ready for your new National Anthem, citizens:


Gay Veteran said...

Welcome to the NEW Gilded Age.

40 hour workweeks are sooooo 20th Century.

Cirze said...

Thanks for the "news," Dg.

On another topic (same ballpart, different universe), did you hear about the formation of the new "white" sports teams?


What's to stop them from doing anything they want with this SC to rubber stamp it?

And the prison building continues apace. See LegalSchnauzer for a taste of things to come.


At least until non-human malefactor of great wealth Rupert Murdoch decides . . .

Malacandra said...

Hath not a corporation eyes? Hath not a corporation hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a person is?

chris said...

I assume that the 2nd amendment also applies to these new people. That should be fun.

Habitat Vic said...

And speaking of borg-like robots, check out this (yes, its real) robot simulator of a 1-year old child:

Gay Veteran said...

from the comments at :

"...capitalist society permits the Democrats to be one of the 2 allowed parties for a very definite reason. It's not because the Democrats "serve the people." It's because in a subtle but effective way, they help the capitalists keep the populace under control by providing them with the illusion of possible change. TPTB don't want the people "served." They want them managed, or controlled. It is the job, the central social function of the Democrats to always be dangling before the people's noses vague pseudo-hints of possible change, so as to keep them from bolting from bourgeois politics altogether. It is the Democrats' intention to never deliver meaningful change, but rather to keep dangling hints of it alluringly forever. This produces control -- a populace habituated to remain safely within the lines required by ruling class interests...."