Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What He Will Say:

What they will hear:

You cannot reason or negotiate with what Kurt Vonnegut called "bad chemicals and faulty wiring."

What you can do is sequester them, just like you would any other toxic waste spill that threatens to irreversibly poison your town's water supply.


Anonymous said...

Imagine my surprise (not really-this IS Mississippi)to get a robo call from the district saying that they will show the speech, and if any parent objects, just send a note into the school so their child can go somewhere else (library, cafeteria, ect). Nice and tidy, right?

Wrong. As I said, this IS Mississippi, and you are going to have something tomorrow akin to the most segregated classrooms in the country. When all the white kids get to go to the library, or outside, or wherever their going to send them, and what's left in the class gets to sit through a speech by the President (sorta, kinda, booooring stuff for kids) WTF you think that's going to say to those kids? You can bet that way up there in Murdoch's neck of the woods he's high fiving Ayles, and having the time of his life, but the kid on the Delta knows that if his classmates walk out on the f-in President-they are walking out on him too.

Sumner County has it's own little FBI investigation now, too. Seems a couple "alleged" thieves were hunted down by "deputized" locals, with firearms, 4-wheelers, and at least one military style vehicle. The father of one boy called in the feds when he realized they were after his kid. Remember Sumner County? Emmit Till's family does.

2xFooled said...

Don't think for one minute that a large part of this isn't about race. Some of these parents are afraid that their kids will realize that the president is smarter than most of the bigoted white folk that have been indoctrinating them to be narrow minded right wing racests since the day they were born. they have spent years grooming these kids and don't want that to be erroded by the truth.