File under: "The lies Conservatives tell themselves are the most terrible lies of all."
And while it might have been a little soon to bang this gong again, so much drivel compacted into such a small space is such a miracle of pure, mendacious efficiency that I just couldn’t help myself. So watch as Andy Sullivan tells three lightening fast lies in a row and once again gets everything wrong:
Who Will "Sister Souljah" Them?
It's time to reclaim conservatism from Coulter and O'Reilly and Limbaugh and Hannity.
Take yours truly. I'm not a Democrat and if pushed, I'd have to say right now I'm a libertarian independent. I'm uneasy about Obama's long-term debt, to say the least, but I'm intelligent enough to know it's not Obama's as such, but mainly Bush's, and I'm also cognizant that the time to cut back may not be in the middle (or beginning) of a brutal depression. On most issues, I side with what used to be the center-right, but the GOP is poison to me and many others. Why?
Their abandonment of limited government, their absurd spending under Bush, their contempt for civil liberties, their rigid mindset, their hostility to others, their worship of the executive branch, their contempt for judicial checks, their cluelessness with racial minorities and immigrants, their endorsement of torture as an American value, their homophobia, their know-nothing Christianism, and the sheer vileness of their leaders - from the dumb-as-a-post Steele to the brittle, money-grubbing cynic, Coulter and hollow, partisan neo-fascist Hannity.
I'm waiting for the first leading Republican to do to these grandstanding goons what Clinton once did to the extremists in his own ranks: reject them, excoriate them, remind people that they do not have a monopoly on conservatism...
If I worked at it for a week I doubt I could tinker together anything that would spotlight the Core Lie at the heart of Sullivan’s brand of Conservatism half as economically as his prefacing this weak, dishonest claptrap with “It's time to reclaim conservatism…” The very idea that conservatism is a thing to be reclaimed (Verb: to claim or demand the return or restoration of, as a right, possession, etc.; to claim again. Synonyms: regain, restore.) as if it were some fraternity mascot stolen by the naughty, pilfering creeps from Limbaugh House shows a level of pathological self-deception that would have to be spliced directly into Sullivan’s genetic code to run any deeper.
That’s the first lie, which slides neatly into the second lie; that the thugs who somehow snuck into Daddy Reagan’s den and stole his favorite pipe are interloping little arrivistes.
They're not.
Hannity and O'Reilly are multi-million dollar media products created by Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and the Fox Conservative News Imperium for the purpose of advancing their radical, Conservative ideology.
Ann Coulter didn’t spring full-bore-psycho from Karl Rove’s head either. She shambled out of that same, diseased whelping box of Conservative fin de siecle anti-Clinton bloodlust that gave the entire movement its energy and purpose after it was briefly left enemyless following the sudden and inconvenient collapse of the Soviet Union:
Coulter debuted as a public figure shortly before becoming an unpaid legal advisor for the attorneys representing Paula Jones in her sexual harassment suit against President Bill Clinton. Coulter's friend George Conway had been asked to assist Jones' attorneys, and shortly afterward Coulter, who wrote a column about the Paula Jones case for Human Events, was also asked to help; she began writing legal briefs for the case.
Coulter sank her fangs into the spotlight and never let go, managing to get rich and stay famous because Conservative print and broadcast media barons have lavishly underwritten her down-spiraling, say-anything-do-anything-fuck-everything strategy for perpetually rebooting her shelf-life as Movement spokes-harridan.
And Limbaugh? Limbaugh is the purest child of Conservatism of them all. A ferocious bigot, who was sired by Ronald Reagan (who killed the Fairness Doctrine and made media-monsters like Limbaugh possible) and suckled his wingnut nutrients directly from the vinegary spleen of Newt Gingrich's politics.
Coulter and O'Reilly and Limbaugh and Hannity and the rest of their ilk positively own the Conservative movement lock, stock and teabag. They have the collective electoral maraschinos of every first-, second- and third-tier Republican politician in a vice and everyone damned well knows it.
Which leads us to the third lie; that Bill Clinton should be an example to all you young 'uns out there because of how bravely took on “extremists in his own ranks.” That he “reject[ed] them, excoriate[d] them” and “remind[ed] people that they do not have a monopoly on [Liberalism]" and, in doing so, courted some electoral disaster equivalent to that which will befall the first Republican to tell the wingnut Axis of Asshats to fuck off.
Clinton certainly broke a lot of hearts by selling out a lot of cherished Liberal values to suck up to the Right, but the only time he ever excoriated anyone was when he used his microphone time in front of the Rainbow Coalition to beat up on a woman named Sister Soulja who Sullivan uses in the title of his post.
At the time, Sister Soulja was a hip-hop MC and activist that virtually no one in the mainstream beyond the Hudson River had ever taken note of. She never commanded millions (Or thousands. Or even hundreds.) of Liberal voters. She never received six-figure checks from billionaire Liberal media moguls to help ram her DNC-sculpted message through every AM radio speaker and into every bookstore premium rack.
Clinton didn’t take her on: he punked her for votes. He punked her because she was a young black minor celebrity -- roughly comparable in power and reach to a B-list blogger today -- who made an angry and offensive comment after the 1992 L.A. riots, and it was safe to make her into a straw-man and kick her down the stairs.
He punked her precisely because, in the Thunder Dome of Big Time politics, she was a relative nobody outsider who lived on the fringe.
Limbaugh is not a nobody.
He is a Somebody.
Limbaugh is not on the outside looking in.
He is Mr. Inside and has the 1994 Congressional "Majority Maker" plaque on his wall to prove it.
"Rush is as responsible for what happened here as much as anyone," said Vin Weber, a former Representative from Minnesota, now of Empower America. Citing a poll taken after the election by Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster, Mr. Weber said that people who listened to 10 hours or more a week of talk radio voted Republican by a 3-to-1 margin. "Those are the people who elected the new Congress," he said.
Limbaugh does not live on the fringe.
He lives in a multi-million-dollar mansion, commands a $400 million salary and flies a $54 million Gulfstream jet, all of which he can afford because he owns clear title on the beating heart of Conservatism.
And always has.
I continue to be willfully ignorant of this Andy Sullivan guy, I could give a rats ass what he has to say about anything.
The rest of these millionaire mother fuckers are going to start seeing their revenues shrink as much as Rush limbaugh's dick in front of a heterosexual woman.
They are in a death spiral and the Base is going away too.
There will always be that hayseed sumbitch out there in Never never land, somewhere South of the Mason Dixon line but these socially retarded misfits are seeing the writing on the wall.
When Rupert Murdoch's own propaganda machine is reporting 20 to 21% Republican identifiers, you are in deep shit.
Thanks for one thing, I never could figure out where Can't Understand Normal Thinking Coulter came from.
Thanks from me for the Limbo line and the brief history on coulter.
Excellent work!
Succinct and deadly as usual.*going forward you can simply apply this as given. The starting point of any comment unless otherwise declared. Unlikely, unless somebody slips you a Mickey, (which reminds me to apply for the soon-to-be needed position of "official taster" at all of your social interactions)...
Drawing a bulls-eye around the gasbags is the easy part. It must be, since even the C.H.U.D. replicants you skewer here manage to imitate the process. Set `em up; knock `em down.
The Sista Souljah LIE is particularly inept, even for Binky Sullivan. By dint of PLATFORM, she falls several atmospheres below the kleig lit dais occupied by the lying noise machine.
On message, SS at least had the courage of her convictions. From her perspective, FIRST HAND, early on, she saw the business end of the "compassionate conservative" birthing as an UGLY BABY that would grow grotesquely into the multi-headed Hydra that squats and shits upon the "high-ground".
"We hold these truths to be self-evident"?
If only.
Oh yeah, and fuck the fuckin' Yankmees!
If he's looking for center right politicians he should check out Obama,Biden,Reid,Leiberman,Specter et al.
Bustednuckles: Sullivan is a rightwing tool--a self-admitted gay Republican, if one can conceive of such a Jabberwocky--who has gained a certain notoriety for mastering the trick of SOUNDING sober and intelligent whilst spewing the most vastly duplicitous flapdoodle I can think of offhand. (As the venerable Mr. D. Glass, Esq. has so eloquently pointed out yet again here.) I, too, have gone far out of my way to avoid his amphigory for the precise reason you put forth.
Rechtaw: Indeed. Succinct and deadly. I second the motion...
Buster: Living in the hard blue Bay Area, I think you're dead wrong. As the eocnomy continues to choke, Peak Oil rears its ugly head, and Global warming really kicks in, the petty flag-wrapped fascism of Coulter and Limbaugh will strengthen. Especially when the "liberals" can only offer up a mealymouthed conservative "alternative" like Obama.
Exterminate the brutes.
Back in the day, Republicans used to stand for states rights. Now, some Utah guy wants to intervene in DC because they passed a bill to recognize out of state ssm.
They used to stand for being fiscal conservatives - well Reagan and Bush did terrible jobs at that.
They used to stand for limited government, and then created DHS.
I think if one looks up "conservative" on wikipedia, it doesn't sound so bad. But the politicians they have promoting are seem to be anything but ...
Someone needs to staple this post to the inside of Sully's eyelids. Maybe then it'll filter thru that happy-sappy world of conserva-idealism he's constructed for himself.
When the federal government leans to the left of the state governments, they're for state's rights.
When the federal government is to the right of the states, they're against it.
It's their way of gaming the system: if Mommy says no, ask Daddy.
Same thing with "big government" and "judicial activism": if governments and judges are doing what they want, they do waznt activism. Otherwise, not.
He punked her precisely because, in the Thunder Dome of Big Time politics, she was a relative nobody outsider who lived on the fringe.So true! I have never ceased to be amazed at how folks like Sullivan continually heap praise on politicians like Clinton for engaging in these so-called moments of brave truth telling. The constant resurrection and subsequent internment of folks like Sistah Soljah was old the first time Br. Bill added it to his act. It hasn't gotten better over time.
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