Friday, May 23, 2008

And then

We all danced like mad


Phil said...

Thanks Drifty, catchy tune dude.

Caoimhin Laochdha said...


Damn, you just reminded me that I picked the wrong weekend to stop taking X


Dhalgren said...

Drifty, please tell us you are working on a comprehensive post regarding Senator Clinton's RFK reference. We're not going to let a holiday weekend kill this outrageous talking point, historically accurate as it is.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, that skinny dude at the beginning dancing with one hand in his pocket really annoyed me. Now I'm gonna have to have a Jameson rocks to settle back down.

The Littlest Gator said...

I thought this song WAS about the rfk comment...

oh lord, there ain't no heal'in


Oh lord, look what my side has done.