Thursday, May 22, 2008

America's Dirty Fucking Appeasers

Through the Ages.

Above, Dirty Fucking Appeaser Franklin Roosevelt, plays footsie with mass murdering sociopath and WMD proliferator, Joey Joe Joe Junior Stalin.

Here, Dirty Fucking Appeaser Gerald Ford sells America out

to the mortal remains of Commie Strongman and thermonuclear weapons waver-arounder, Leonid Brezhnev.

Here, Dirty Fucking Appeaser Richard Milhous Nixon argues with the most prolific mass murder in history – Mao Tse-tung –

over who is going to take whom downtown to China Town.

And of course it was the talk of the town when Dirty Fucking Appeaser Ronald Reagan decided to pillowtalk with Collectivist Gangster Overboss

Mikey “Big Pushkin” Gorbachev.


Fran / Blue Gal said...

Don't forget Libya. :)


darkblack said...

How dare that 'appease-porridge-hot' server of Satan spin his spidery webs dripping with early morning hoodwinkery around those clean, wholesome commie bastards?


Angel Of Mercy said...

You KNOW you're just too cool for school, don't you, Mr. Glass?

The photoshopping is KILLER...

Unknown said...

Huh, each one of those presidents has a rather dark complexion. I think you and Blue Gal hit the nail on the head the other week - it is all about tribal affiliation.